15 years ago
@_@公司的總監不知道什麼叫 stopmotion. 只好上 youtube 抓 Lego的搞笑影片給他看.
SomniumDL says
15 years ago
stopmotion? youtube? Lego? three awesome things but what does it mean??? hmm...
15 years ago
my boss doesn't know what's stopmotion ..so I showed him the lego animation on youtube - "dead star canteen" and he laughed near dead.
SomniumDL says
15 years ago
SomniumDL says
15 years ago
he doesn't know what stop motion is??... tsk tsk tsk
SomniumDL says
15 years ago
just tell him movies like... Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Coraline... which were all very good :-D