latest #84
Hi my name is Lucia and I love getting my username changed whenever possible on forums (though tbh I started getting fewer name changes more recently)
But anyway....... Let's see how far back I can remember
I know on Neopets I wasn't past putting numbers after my username—for example, emmie010, cerenity010, buttman010, etc.
yes, I had a lot of Neopets accounts
I have a more current account, but I'll get to that later
On another virtual pet site forum, Nutrinopets, I went by Kaia, Nausicaa/Tamao, Full Moon, Ribon, and maybe one more name
btw, we were only supposed to have on account on there
I...kinda had a sockpuppeting problem during my early teens
8 years ago
i cant believe u had the name buttman
It was for my friend
He never used the account so I took over
8 years ago
Idk why I took over it though
oh well
I know I was on Gaia around the same time I was on Nutrinopets, but I really can't remember any of my handles. (I do, however, remember trying to be lewd on one of them......)
(I did not do a good job. don't ask me why I remember these things; I really don't know)
After that was PokéCommunity/one of the current biggest Pokémon forums out there
I know two, maybe three people on here who may know I had a fair number of alternate accounts and name changes
Take on Mint was
8 years ago
there, can attest
it will be amazing if I can remember all my usernames
Original username was Pikataro (which I used for other sites); got my name changed to Serene, then Zuzu, then Yuyuko, then Natsu-kun, then Roswell—which is when PC took away username changes
Take on Mint
8 years ago
don't forget the number of times you've changed actual handles, I've seen you go by a lot of different ones... Lucia is just the most recent
....Ahaha, I forgot about that
Take on Mint
8 years ago
i had a zillion differnet accounts on PC too, but i stuck to one name XD
Yeah XD
On PC I once had people call me Kit, but then I eventually went by Zuzu (my AIM handle at the time was also ZuzuKun), then Lucia
I -think- I started going by Lucia around the time I got in LJ RPing
8 years ago
i cant believe you were zuzu before zuzu
.....fff, this is true
A lot of my usernames came from fandoms...in fact I think Pikataro was the most original, but even then I based it off Gold's nicknaming pattern in PokeSupe
re: PC, when username changes returned I'm pretty sure I went from Roswell to Eucliffe and have kept the name since
...then I made a completely new main account a couple years ago: Yato
Name has not changed
As for alts.............. Fia/Suika Ibuki/Lucent (I might've forgotten a name change), Kagebouzu/Yggdra, Nitori, Sanae, Youmu, Lucy, Fairy Tail, Milanor-kun, カゲボウズ (Kagebouzu/Shuppet in Japanese), uh...
Rosary, Ahiru, Sewaddle, um............at least three more I think
Actually maybe one or two more
I've been tempted a few times to tell PC staff that if anyone wants to use the names (since inactive accounts can be deleted) they can delete my alts
Take on Mint
8 years ago
You went by Haru at least once. Natsu might've been one, too. And I remember calling you Ros.
Natsu was probably while I was Natsu-kun XD And Ros was definitely when I was Roswell!
Take on Mint
8 years ago
I also went by Rossi/Rossy (can't remember which; might've been both) and Rossu
I think I stayed Lucia on DW though, so I was pretty consistent
*er, LJ
Speaking of, I only had one main LJ journal, and that was suwako
On Dreamwidth, I've had three main journals: tornworld, desireshow, and yukinohara, which is my current one
yukinohara is also my username for my main Tumblr and my old Flavors.me : Create and share your digital world account
...whoa should've expected hyperlink
On Plurk I have three accounts; however, I only used two for RPing: This one and Kagebouzu, which I no longer use ofc XD
....oh wait, the third one is yukinohara, too. I'm using it for theme testing
During my early DW days, I went by Lucia. Then after taking a hiatus I came back as Haru/Gale/Lucia (hey look at all the Rave names; it was completely unintentional I swear)
I also went by Haru on Pokémon forums as a nickname
At that point I was on a smaller one known as Ever Grande City; my initial username was Haru, then I had the following name changes:
Fakir > Natsu > Mystogan > Cheren > Sakuya > Natsuno > Killua > Nezumi > Milanor > Kyrie > Dragneel > Liberta > Vishnal > Cecil > Alice > Yato > Yuuya
Cecil and Alice are literally the only ones that did not initially come from fandoms
I also had an alt. on there that went by Sync; staff were allowed alts.
EGC got rebooted sometime around July 2014; I think I mostly used past usernames
the only new one I can remember using was Komachi
EGC officially came to an end November 2014 and Slateport City was founded
I started off as Meliodas, had maybe a couple of really brief name changes, then went to Zeno, then I think Yato, then Yuugo, then Yato again, then Yuugo again......
I may or may not be missing a username in there, aside from the ones I changed to on SPC's final day
Around May or so I got back into DW RPing and asked people on DW to call me Lucia; on SPC I was still Haru
I think once staff decided we would close SPC I asked everyone to call me Lucia
I'm now currently on another Pokémon site called Pokémon Crossroads; my username is Serena
OK, if people think it's bad enough I went by so many damn nicknames, get a load of the number of ones I used for Proboards/Jcink RPs
Haru, Gale, Lucia, Ros, Tsubaki, Lucy, Dolce, at least two more I swear; I can't remember rn
I switched between these nicknames within a span of a couple years
Oh I know Elie was one (yet another Rave name!)
Oh right I used Sakuya too
Then for Skype I was first diveintoshine and now skysorceress; on AIM I switched from ZuzuKun to tenkuumiko
Nickname on Skype is lucia in fancy text; nickname on AIM is either Lucia or Blonde Demon Lucia
I can't remember
Other miscellaneous accounts..... My secondary/Yu-Gi-Oh! Tumblr is banana-bangs, my current Flavors.me : Create and share your digital world is yatogami, my non-school email is kizudaro (no I'm not giving the address)
I've used a bunch of other names on forums and sites and stuff but I cbf'd to remember them all
At this time I really like the username yukinohara and I like going by Lucia nickname-wise so I'll probably use those a lot and make things less confusing
Clannad OST - Yuki Nohara (Snowfield) This is where yukinohara comes from btw
Oh wait I also went by Yuri briefly on EGC, username-wise
That makes five Arc-V handles, two-and-a-half not having anything to do with Arc-V at all (Serena also comes from my love of the XY female protag./Ash's latest female traveling companion)
Also iirc I got Neopets username cerenity010 from Duel Monsters!Serenity. I sucked at spelling it at the time
8 years ago
Lucia, holy shit, you have more usernames than Krysta and Drew ever had...how do you remember yourself?
8 years ago
70 names. Also, don't forget Pinkiemon, a brief one during EGC 2012 April Fools.
8 years ago
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