this is the continuation of
CoyotePace's pick "Doc" which we read last year (it was our february 2014 read)
btw this book is not out on paperback yet, but it says the paperback will be out in february
Do I need to read Doc first?
I don't think you necessarily have to, and we can catch you up, but you might want to, because it is a wonderful book
and discussing doc was great fun
no wait, sorry, that's alice
what pick is this, march?
I don't think it is a pick. This is the next book in series at a good price so Cat wanted to mention it.
we've discussed it as a pick, it just doesn't have a month yet, personally I was waiting for the paperback to come out to put it on the calendar because I didn't want people to have to buy the hardcover
so I guess loki is right, lol, it's not a pick yet but sometime next year
a while back I had a plurk asking people if they would like to read the second book for book club and everyone who had read the first one said yes
but we didn't decide on a month
and march is owly, she hasn't decided on a book yet though
and you mako are February and may btw
and may? did i pick something for may already?
shit i might be out of town for that lol
well we can change it to a different month, no worries. june?
i can't plan this far in advance
plus we should ask ceejay
that's okay, we'll discuss later, I'll poke you in a few months lol
misscat: I plan on it!and I am loving my fire so far. Just got it last night
bought this today! thanks for the tip
oh yay ariel, glad you are enjoying your new kindle!