-:-jAnjAn-:- asks
15 years ago
Who here is a fan of deathnote?..
latest #7
divardha says
15 years ago
me! i heard that it is going to the movie version (dance)
-:-jAnjAn-:- says
15 years ago
-:-jAnjAn-:- says
15 years ago
what do u think is better anime or the live series? im watching the anime
BlingBling says
15 years ago
i am~! anime was great, manga was the best, the movies sucked. (LOL)
BlingBling says
15 years ago
but movie Ryuk was kickass!!!
divardha says
15 years ago
i'm watching the anime and live series, i think both of them are great.. L is so cool
-:-jAnjAn-:- says
15 years ago
ahahaha i like the manga best its short and sweet...
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