Man, I'm just catching up on the spoilers for the latest Vorkosigan book and I am so glad I no longer RP Cordelia
latest #14
I mean, I usually like OT3s and poly in my fic but this seems just so weirdly done I'm not even sure I want to read it
Which given it's the post-Cryoburn Cordelia book I've been kvetching about for ages is kind of a miracle
I think what I keep getting completely stuck on is Aral is the guy who killed two men because they slept with his first wife, who then killed himself, and then he just sleeps with his secretary
Without even getting Cordelia's okay first?
I haven't read that yet so maybe it's pulled off better than it sounds like, but I'm just stuck on the entire concept
...huh, HUH. Yeah I could see that swinging either way for me
Yeah, on the one hand she generally does SO WELL with Cordelia. On the other hand, that's...going to be very hard to pull off
Well, she finds out shortly after it starts, but she's not really around when it does
I dunno, I figured that given just how badly cheating went for him the first time he'd be violently allergic to anything that reminded him of it
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