9 years ago
Ugh, my back is killing me. It's hard to sleep in a bed I'm not used to, without my usual amount of pillow-nest. :C
latest #14
9 years ago
(Still visiting my family in CA, so my own bed is quite some distance away.)
9 years ago
Also: Why is it colder here than it has been all winter in PA? I am confused.
9 years ago
But, on the bright side, I get to see my family and CA friends for another week! Yay! (More, if my flight gets cancelled due to inclement weather in PA next week, like they're forecasting. :3)
9 years ago
because climate change and El Nino =/
9 years ago
The reverse is even worse: I finally had a good bed to sleep in for five days and now I'm back to my crappy IKEA mattress and regretting my mattress choices. XD
9 years ago
cacopheny: 8C shakefist at weather patterns I want snow days this winter, darnit!
9 years ago
it's possible it'll happen! winter isn't really over for another two months or so :-)
9 years ago
drayma: Aw man, that's rough. XD Maybe you can get a comfy pad for the top of your mattress? hopeful
9 years ago
Once we move I'll get a decent mattress all around, just trying to optimize the number of things we're going to have to shift!
9 years ago
And as for winter, I've been finding lately that the really cold stuff doesn't seem to happen until February out west! Maybe it'll be the same for you?
9 years ago
cacopheny: I can always hope~ But the last year it was this warm, we ended up with no snow at all. It was a weird winter. XD
9 years ago
drayma: Ah, that's a good plan. :-) Where are you moving to?
9 years ago
Not sure yet.
9 years ago
Out of roommate annoyance though, hopefully.
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