Rachel ♥
8 years ago
Been so tired and ill lately I didn't even know Sherlock happened :-o
latest #8
8 years ago
Lemongrass says
8 years ago
we watched it tonight. Although it was impressive, I was so confused that I didn't altogether enjoy it.
8 years ago
Urk. Missed out on it as well. My excuse was playing videogames all week long. :-P
Rachel ♥
8 years ago
I've got it downloading on the iplayer thing on my laptop lol. Loads of people have said it was confusing
8 years ago
It was good and confusing
Rachel ♥
8 years ago
I'm 2 minutes in and confused already, can't remember anything from previous series (LOL)
Rachel ♥
8 years ago
To be honest, I never understand it, I just love benedict cumberbatch haha
Lemongrass says
8 years ago
he is good.
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