#Dilly_Dawes says
8 years ago
any wordpress wizards know how i can speed up, the embedded images from flickr, all of the pics in the blog im working on are from flickr and they are causing the page to load slow. Do i need a plugin ?
latest #20
Bangered Mash
8 years ago
Presumably that would be network latency from Flickr which is odd since they have a CDN but it can be flakey. Are you setting image sizes at all? That helps the overall page render faster even if the images are
8 years ago
i think there maybe one image that is causing the issue.
Bangered Mash
8 years ago
missing (although obviously factor in mobile friendly stuff too where possible). It might be worth seeing what your browser's page debugger says about the load times anyway
8 years ago
I am rolling my own server and LAMP stack to im looking for all the speed i can get
Bangered Mash
8 years ago
Set up your own proxies too?
8 years ago
i dont have it on a cdn, cause well i cant afford it. The page speed it self is good its the images that kill me
Bangered Mash
8 years ago
Keep in mind that browsers limit the number of requests per host, if you can spread them on different subdomains that helps.
Bangered Mash
8 years ago
I just mean if you have a local proxy feeding the Flickr images you may get a speed boost if the Flickr CDN is killing you
8 years ago
I know im running the site lean but really it has head room and bandwidth. but on all the tests it fails because of the image files
8 years ago
i guess i could try that.
8 years ago
see for your self MudHoney -
Bangered Mash
8 years ago
Wow, is the worst for speed but it's not the biggest. The Linden Images seem slow too. I'd look for alternate links
8 years ago
I just tried your website and all the images loaded on the page loaded in a few seconds. 3 or 4 seconds tops
8 years ago
yes but you have to store them locally, I had an issue with that with my feed aggregator
8 years ago
granted I stopped my blog aggregator in 2011 so times have definitely changed, but that did help because it stored the images locally, so I could custom cache them to overall fix speed
8 years ago
but flickr images are your biggest loss of time in loading, so I feel ya. Wish I had a good solution, in 11 I hadn't found anythuing elegant
8 years ago
i was thinking that, i would just have to pull the images into the sever and compress them on the fly.
8 years ago
BTW that was my little project for the weekend, that a ubuntu box with a dual core and 4 gigs. And its running on my home innerwebs. we have 120/30mb service so i figured i had the bandwidth.
8 years ago
Dilly_Dawes: i wish I could remember the plugin, I've been googling it and my server backup is at home. I recall it was like HTCD or something named like that
8 years ago
kesseret: i will look that up
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