[meme] TMI Tuesday! ask invasive personal questions about my character!
latest #28
If you wanna go for my old ones
when Luke was in prison, did he masturbate?
he couldn't, he was tied up with his son's entrails
such a terrible prison, literally only that reason
He had so much to catch up on as soon as he had time to himself 8|
i'm going to die laughing
Also I accidentally put my Ryslig emote in first and had a sudden moment of
Luke would be GREAT at Ryslig
It had better be INTERESTING TF or he's complaining to the gods in charge here
(speaking of, i still intend to tag our log, i just. had a v. erratic month)
Anyway I think I'll put him in the next tdm and see if he's any fun/if I can still write him
Gdi now I can't sleep because I'm laughing too hard at the idea of him getting Naga
i'm just imagining luke all "is this the best you can do?" at the fog god. all disgusted/disappointed
Oh my god the fog god has an inbox of some sort now doesn't she
He'd treat it like a suggestion box
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