cvj shares
8 years ago
latest #91
8 years ago
from reading, i gather just circumspect
8 years ago
Probably too shocked to know what to write. I mean this required a major shift in the Narrative.
8 years ago
did her narrative shift?
8 years ago
Im talking about the group, not the individual
8 years ago
But no, I dont expect the Narrative to change. It will be adhered to no matter what.
8 years ago
you specifically referred to the author herself being shocked to know what to write
8 years ago
most feminists don't want to break alliances with the marginalised. its a tactical error
8 years ago
re: Cologne, something similar happened in Orchard Road New Year's day a few years back. Blogger Xia Xue started an advocacy because of that
8 years ago
cvj Nope. Author referred to 'feminists'. I opined feminists too shocked bec it's a shock to the Narrative.
8 years ago
i see, you mean the rest of the feminists besides the author herself
8 years ago
Feminists as a group, yes.
8 years ago
Ah, you consider her an exception to the majority/prevalent view
8 years ago
No. Not really. It's an individual's view purporting to write for a group.
8 years ago
Which doesn't convince you to update your priors, fair enough
8 years ago
How are my priors relevant to this?
8 years ago
And btw, what are my priors?
8 years ago
ive been to little india on a sunday before
8 years ago
it can feel quite intimidating, some were drunk (this was before the riot)....and im a pretty big woman. can't imagine if you're some rail-thin local girl
Panda Panda
8 years ago
What's this capital-N narrative? (unsure)
8 years ago
that immigrants as a group are rapey (moreso than the European whites)
Panda Panda
8 years ago
Is that what Jego is referring to?
8 years ago
thecityforever as i understand it, Progressives are known to fetishize their worldview aka Narrative over facts, but maybe Jego can explain better
Panda Panda
8 years ago
Because the narrative that immigrants are rape-y wouldn't be "fetishized" by feminists.
8 years ago
The Narrative is that we're all the same. Cultural, religious, racial differences are not really important.
Panda Panda
8 years ago
That's not a feminist Narrative, just a feminist narrative. And it's largely outdated.
8 years ago
It's Progressive, not feminist. Feminists have a variant: there are no gender differences. Like e.g. there are few women civil engineers bec oppression by men. Things like that.
Panda Panda
8 years ago
^ Again, a long-outdated POV. Contemporary feminists don't want to ignore or erase difference.
Panda Panda
8 years ago
Neither progressive nor feminist thought is monolithic and unchanging.
8 years ago
That's true of all ideologies I suppose. As to its being outdated, I dont know. It's pretty much still around. (Not monolithic, remember?) Around and hogging the internet.
8 years ago
Taking Jeg's PoV as i understand it, the Progressives kumbaya worldview prevented them from anticipating the Cologne attacks (and the rape epidemic in Sweden)
Panda Panda
8 years ago
By outdated, I don't mean it's dead, just insufficiently nuanced to the demands of the present. But the Internet is, at best, an unreliable yardstick for any sort of thought system.
8 years ago
cvj Pretty much spot on.
8 years ago
thecityforever I think the internet crowd is a pretty reliable yardstick is shaping the culture, if not the thought system. More so than academia, e.g. The 'stars' of the internet dont have PhDs.
Panda Panda
8 years ago
(unsure) Were they supposed to predict sexual violence from immigrants? Is that a reasonable expectation?
8 years ago
thecityforever: In a way, yes. The phenomenon is not unknown. The attacks on woman during the Arab spring, e.g. And the sheer volume of migrants meant they werent going to be able to control them.
8 years ago
thanks Jego! let it not be said that i do not understand the opposing Pov (LOL)
Panda Panda
8 years ago
I'm not saying the academe is necessarily more reliable. No single venue can be adequately representative.
Panda Panda
8 years ago
Sexual violence isn't specific to migration, Middle Eastern/Arabic culture, maleness, or heterosexuality.
8 years ago
Besides, in the Internet, we can choose to fight the opposing school of thought at the appropriate level of weakness
8 years ago
thecityforever: What happened was a perfect storm. Mass migration from cultures that treat women like second-class humans coming face to face with a sexually liberal culture.
8 years ago
Imagine an unmarried Arab encountering a woman in a tank top. Imagine gangs of them. And authorities refusing to confront this dynamic and indeed covers up instances of sexual abuse so as not the be accused...
8 years ago
... of racism.
8 years ago
Jego is describing the rape-y part
8 years ago
Yep. Sexual violence is rape-y. ;-)
8 years ago
Perfect STorm contributes to the narrative that "We have to cordon off the Cologne attacks; erect a little white tent around the crime scene and give thanks that we are safely outside it."
8 years ago
the oppposing narrative that is
8 years ago
if the men were white Christian (post-Christian), there would have been no religion or culture factored into the discussion
8 years ago
I submit if the situation were reversed and men from a liberal culture were to migrate in droves, this never would have happened. We wouldnt be speaking of mass assaults of women in Tripoli.
8 years ago
its not the first time that white people have justified the use of violence against brown men to save white and brown women from them
8 years ago
caffeinesparks: Nobody is suggesting violence yet (at the state level). But Im afraid if this isnt addressed, that's what theyll get.
8 years ago
there are many reports of white soldiers who rape girls in africa and the middle east Jego . and don't forget all the white pedo sex tourists
8 years ago
and all the white pedos on the internet
8 years ago
who prey on filipino kids
8 years ago
caffeinesparks: Im talking migrants. Economic migrants and refugees
Panda Panda
8 years ago
Who was supposed to have forewarned against French UN peacekeepers sexually abusing North African boys and girls? US college campus rapes? Silvio Berlusconi paying to have sex with an underage girl, AKA rape?
8 years ago
Jego so you're making a distinction between temporary and long-term migrants? hmmm.
8 years ago
The you-too defense is not going to help.
Panda Panda
8 years ago
What about white Islamic State militants who migrated from their more liberal cultures in order to own Yazidi sex slaves?
8 years ago
my sense is that migrants moving from highly repressed and repressive cultures to liberal ones would experience a 'vacuum' of sorts. where they won't know how to behave because the usual norms that structure
8 years ago
thecityforever: Those were mostly non-white, and obviously they didnt assimilate. They formed communities that resisted liberalism
8 years ago
behaviour are all gone. those who are more adventurous would push limits. it might be a function of personality more than 'culture' writ large
Panda Panda
8 years ago
Jego It's fair to point out that sexual violence isn't produced by just one set of factors. There is more than one "perfect storm".
8 years ago
my feeling is that europeans or americans moving to the third world would probably do the same....they would push limits and norms - not necessarily to do with women
8 years ago
like - break the law. embezzle. smuggle. set up cybersex dens.
8 years ago
behaviour is governed by different codes w/c vary from place to place. i think the culture clash happens when the codes governing X phenomenon (e.g. how to deal w/ women) are vastly different
8 years ago
All Im saying if the the migrants in Europe (the real, non-theoretical ones) were from a liberal culture, the rape-y stuff wouldnt have happened. The fact is they arent, and it did.
8 years ago
Of course mass migration of Germans to the PH say would have its own problems. But it won't involve mass rape-y stuff.
8 years ago
not mass rapey stuff. could be other deviant behaviour
8 years ago
ive seen too many white men in singapore take full advantage of their white privilege
8 years ago
Jego you don't remember the Tailhook scandal?
8 years ago
cvj: Was that where Americans fleeing war and poverty migrated to Indonesia and started committing rape-y stuff on the women there? If it isnt, Im googling. :-D
8 years ago
Oh. Tailhook scandal. What about it?
8 years ago
An example of mass sexual assault by men who grew up in a liberal culture
8 years ago
Ah. So youre saying if the situation were reversed and people from a liberal culture were fleeing war and poverty, and say Indonesia takes them in, the chances that they will commit rape-y stuff...
8 years ago
would be the same as the Middle Eastern and North African migrants in Europe. I dont know. I just dont buy it.
8 years ago
I mean would you think that of Pinoy migrants? We have a liberal tradition. Would we start mass rapey on say Indonesians if we were in the situation?
8 years ago
You're using that Jedi mind trick again Jego
8 years ago
The situation 'being reversed' was not even in my radar
8 years ago
Ah. I thought you were responding to me 'if the situation were reversed' premise.
8 years ago
^my 'if the situation...' I meant
8 years ago
my friend who did fieldwork in korea met filipino men who were very aggressive with her. not rapey but aggressive
8 years ago
they probably won't behave the same in the philippines
8 years ago
Why were the Filipino men aggressive with the Korean lady?
8 years ago
no, my friend is pinay. they were jockeying for position, trying to win her as a 'prize'
8 years ago
and apparently adultery was quite normal among filipinos there - men and women
8 years ago
Ah, the Filipino men based in Korea were aggressive with your Filipina friend based there :-o
8 years ago
no my pinay friend doing the fieldwork!
8 years ago
Your Filipina Friend doing fieldwork in Korea ?
8 years ago
Scratch it, saw your comment above, sorry
8 years ago
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