thank god for free giant bag of gatorade mix for sport teams coolers that im using spoonful by spoonful
not thank god for my roommate's horrible cat litter + shit room and her nasty little cat that is fucking messing with me
theres like fifteen mannequins in there
i feel like im in a fcking tv show
one roommate is a slob with a murder cat and a room full of mannequins and the other is a recovering alcohol and heroin addict (who is actually real cool but im nervous)
like I thought the bathroom up there must be bad but she left hanks of hair everywhere
and her carpet is covered with nasty cat litter
btw im not exaggerating about the mannequins there are 14 1/2 in her room
that toilet is fucked too
it aint even my bathroom but im pissed my roommate has to use it
and she's been TOLD to clean it
she works at a clothing store
some of them are dressed and some arent
i hope you get well soon and the roommate doesn't turn out to be a serial killer
like generally all she does is play second life?
but her room needs cleaned and no one can go in there because her cat is a murder beast