micahkalinakov has
8 years ago
anybody ever gotten an email like this from Linden Labs? Gyazo
latest #54
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
what does it mean
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
im so confused
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
o.o ooh
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
wtf i don't even cash out that much lol
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
so im worried because I couldnt answer 2 of the questions
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
one about which street is closest to my address and then it asked me if i knew 3 people
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
and i didnt know any of them
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
it didnt give me any streets close to my address
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
how long does this verification take usually?
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
bleh i have a process credit going through right now, i dont wanna wait lol
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
effs im only cashing out like 150 a month lol
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
Yea I guess so. Since I didn't get a W2 thingy from them this year, I prob won't have to pay any tax this year, right? lol
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
like within th enext month
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
Yea, not a w2 but whatever it is they send out. I've already done my taxes for this year, since I didn't anything from them for last year, I probably won't get anything that needs to be done before april 14th?
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
just wondering if I should be worried that I'm going to have to amend my taxes that already did, lol
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
okies, yea I already received my refunds. I don't think I started cashing out regularly until maybe last july or so.
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
Glad it's just something you get when you cash out regularly. I was thinking somebody like hacked my account or some shit.
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
Weird that they give you names of people and ask if you know them, like how would they know anyone you may know.
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
unless if's like names of "neighbors" but like fuck if I know my neighbors names lol
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
micahkalinakov says
8 years ago
my address is 73rd Avenue, like do you know how many 73rd Avenue's there are in the U.S. LOL
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