8 years ago
[digimon tri/spoilers/hi, I'm still here] Leomon dies. There, I said it.
latest #46
8 years ago
Still no word about the 02 kids.
8 years ago
It makes me really uncomfortable that they still haven't been brought up, even though Ken's making all kinds of cameos
8 years ago
these set of episodes
8 years ago
Even though he hasn't had a speaking line yet either, so... could be Ken, could just be a figment of the Digimon Kaiser, who knows at this point
8 years ago
This set also reminds me of one of the reasons I first loved Digimon: they realize that there's more than one main character
8 years ago
Like, from the first set, Taichi and Yamato's issues are still not resolved, and it's brought back up briefly, but it's still not magically solved just yet.
8 years ago
The majority of this time is focused on Mimi's and Jo's character development
8 years ago
Like how Mimi's stubborness and self-centered-ness is brought to attention in these episodes and she learns that, while it's okay to be bold and to make your thoughts known, there's also a time to know that
8 years ago
your actions do have consequences.
8 years ago
That, even if your heart is in the right place, sometimes good intentions can lead to good things
8 years ago
And, I'll admit, I wasn't always the biggest fan of Mimi, mainly because I was subjected to her dubbed persona, but she won me over in the latter half of the series, and in 02.
8 years ago
I can get where she's coming from, and she does care about her friends, and I love how bright and outgoing she is, so this set of episodes, she really comes into her own character and I adore her for it.
8 years ago
Jo was also a focus in these episodes and he raises the question of being digidestined/chosen children/whatever you want to call them
8 years ago
Like, when do they stop being digi-destined? Why are they always the ones that have to fight for the greater good? When is it time to grow up and move on with their lives?
8 years ago
It's another aspect that I love about this series that pretty much always puts it above Pokemon, in my opinion: The characters change. They gain experience and we actually see them grow up and change
8 years ago
As many of you know, Pokemon, among other series(s) from our childhoods, they're having their 20th anniversary this year.
8 years ago
And, I remember seeing this on twitter from OneKids, I believe, where it said something along the lines of 'Happy 20th Pokemon, Ash is turning 30 years old today, and by 30, I mean 10"
8 years ago
From what I know of Pokemon now, Ash is still considered 10 years old, 20 years later. He still hasn't changed much in all those years of travelling across all the regions, seen all the things he's seen and all
8 years ago
8 years ago
Digimon, on the other hand, we have seen all these change and grow, we grew up with them, even
8 years ago
Ash has his flaws, for sure, but has he really changed over the years? Has he grown out of those flaws? What has he really gained as a character?
8 years ago
I know, I know, two different series(s), two different approaches, comparing apples to oranges, but still...
8 years ago
OKAY back on track
8 years ago
Jo wants to be an adult, of course, and move on with his life. Fair enough.
8 years ago
And then all this stuff happens with the infected digimon and all that jazz.
8 years ago
What's Jo doing?
8 years ago
8 years ago
For entrance exams.
8 years ago
These episodes really pulled at my heart strings for Gomamon, still trying to be as supportive as it can be, until, even he has had enough of Jo putting his head in the sand and just runs off
8 years ago
What makes it even worse is them reuniting and trying to make amends, but it just gets worse from there.
8 years ago
Jo is still questioning why they need to be digi-destined again, and save the world again.
8 years ago
Unforntuately, this also leads to Gomamon saying that if he doesn't want to be a digi-destined anymore, then he doesn't need Gomamon anymore.
8 years ago
Cue me crying.
8 years ago
Both kid me and adult me
8 years ago
Because no, Gomamon, sweetheart, don't say things like that
8 years ago
Everything between them does get resolved because Hikari Jesus saying some inspiring words to Jo to get him back into the fight
8 years ago
And both him and Mimi both get new Mega evolutions, which was FRICKIN' AWESOME.
8 years ago
The conflict between Taichi and Yamato is still unresolved, but again, that's good writing showing through.
8 years ago
Meiko is cute. I like her, especially her friendship with Mimi in these episodes.
8 years ago
Ken looks especially creepy and heartbreaking these episodes, like KEN BABY WHY NO.
8 years ago
Still waiting for word on the other 02 kids.
8 years ago
Oh, and Leomon appears.
8 years ago
And dies by the end of the episodes.
8 years ago
Damn it, can't Leomon just live in one series? Just one?
Wild Child
8 years ago
No. It's the law of Digimon.
8 years ago
But but, Leomon ;_;
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