8 years ago
woke up at three the fuck thirty today. thanks, dst. .... and stardew valley
latest #7
8 years ago
i was up until like 10 am bc of that fucking game
It's an evil game like that
8 years ago
honest to god tho if i didn't have to go to sleep in-game in order to save it i wouldn't get stuck playing it like that
8 years ago
i've always hated that save mechanic
It puts you into that "just one more day" cycle
8 years ago
exactly! or i'll be like "well i have to do x before i quit or i'll forget" and then "it's only 11am, i can't waste a whole day by going to sleep now"
8 years ago
so you finish the day but then you have something new to do when you wake up or you'll forget!!
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