8 years ago
slightly belated plotting post for Hijikata who is in fact the Mibugumi Captain
latest #38
8 years ago
(or commander? I guess it depends if they have enough members to form units)
8 years ago
mattnificent I suppose I will have to pick your brain about all that
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
Yes indeed
8 years ago
I can extrapolate from history to a degree, but I don't want to contradict anything you've got planned!
8 years ago
I think the big things that comes to mind is their formation, and their place in the larger governmental structure (if any)
8 years ago
given that the Shinsengumi were somewhere between a militia and a police force
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
Mibugumi are more directly militia, but they'd still be used for constabulary work when manpower was needed
8 years ago
Okay! But government-sanctioned, at least locally?
8 years ago
and yeah the role of the Shinsengumi shifted a lot - particularly given this a time period where 'policing' frequently meant 'stabbing people'
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
They're explicitly formed to serve as shock troops in foreign wars in the event the Bando Shogun selects them over the other provincial forces
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
And their secondary function is to defend against or enact reprisals or preemptive strikes against the other provincial forces
8 years ago
Okay! Man I suspect I'm going to end up with a lot of NPCs
8 years ago
given a grand total of four infiltrators went for Mibugumi positions XD
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
Given the often rebellious political climate of the peninsula, they're sometimes used either to break up clan feuds or to do counterinsurgency work as well
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
8 years ago
Would they have a reputation among civilians? Good or bad.
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
There are probably about 1-200 Mibugumi
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
Bad. As a Ronin force, they have no loyalty to local clans, they stamp out rebellion, and they allow anyone to join them.
8 years ago
so roughly the same as history XD
Cerise ♢
8 years ago
Might have some "new meat" here? Thinking of dropping Kanji down south initially, at least...
8 years ago
yeah, I figure we'll get a few infiltrators
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
About 60 Suzuki rifles and 60 Akuryu in koroshima, and about 100-120 sun Guard in the north. The Mibugumi are the largest provincial force.
8 years ago
that might be a good mingle opener, actually - recruitment tests
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
That was the plan, actually!
8 years ago
aha XD
8 years ago
(will he set Souji on anyone? Only time will tell)
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
The most obvious/important difference is that they don't use long swords
8 years ago
yeah, I did catch that!
8 years ago
Toshi's getting a short sword because... then he can have is other stupid sword child back
8 years ago
but I'll do some poking around other weapon styles
8 years ago
(which amuses me because Hijikata basically invented a new sword style to compensate forthe fact that long-swords are not good weapons for fighting in groups, indoors.
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
Zipper Mom
8 years ago
Oh, please set Souji on people. (LOL)
Dangerous Chair
8 years ago
Yeah, shortswords are fine, especially when used with bucklers
Zipper Mom
8 years ago
(This will be an interesting blend, since NB!Souji is more a cose combat knife-fighter anyway.)
8 years ago
Look, setting Souji on new recruits is just cruel
Zipper Mom
8 years ago
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