[meme] What are my muses like when angry? Ho boy... (warning: most of xep's muses are abusive/violent)
latest #41
Dodger is extremely violent when angry. At first, he will snark and pace, then slam his fist into walls, then grab for the throat of whoever is making him angry. Or whoever happens to be nearby. He has
killed people out of anger, some were even people he was very close to. He makes sure to make that very clear to others; he makes it the job of other people to keep themselves safe from him.
Best case scenario, though, if he doesn't kill someone: he'll break every object in his vicinity. And he's pretty strong, so it's a real wreck by the time he's done. If his knuckles aren't bruised and bloody,
he doesn't consider it satisfying.
Viktor is similar, but much more controlled. He is always grumpy, but if angered he will very firmly say "no" and expect the other person to go away. If they don't, he'll punch them, and if they still don't
he'll either leave or beat them senseless and then leave. He usually won't kill anyone unless they attack him first, or he's told to by someone else. More than anything, he just wants to leave the vicinity
of anything that annoys him.
Atlas has trouble controlling himself when angry, much like Dodger. His snark very quickly turns to muddling his accent, and slamming his fist onto desks, before he drops to his more intimidating Bronx
accent and starts attacking. His attacks are much more cruel than Dodger's, though; his aim isn't to get the other person to leave, it's to make sure they learn a permanent lesson about lowering his quality
of life. Instead of just throwing punches, he'll make sure to incapacitate them and torture them for a good long while before either killing them or letting them go. And he'll make sure they know it's their
fault they ended up like that.
Sans is pretty hard to make angry; even when he starts to get annoyed or frustrated, he makes sure to calmly remind people that they're making a mistake and outline the consequences if they keep going.
"You wanna have a bad time? 'Cause if you keep going, you're gonna have a bad time." etc. By the time he gets truly angry, he figures they're doing it on purpose. So he goes all out, doing his absolute
best to kill whoever's made him angry. And damn, it's pretty hard not to die to him. So it's best not to make him angry to begin with.
Jack is also pretty chill, but he tends to get angry like a child; he doesn't have much self-control, as he's used to being controlled by others, and he was built to fight. So he reacts to anger by hitting
the object of anger with his wrench, or screaming at it at the top of his lungs. With someone that he cares about, he'll usually stick to just yelling and crying and telling them to shut up, because he wants
to be alone and not angry. With someone he doesn't know well or doesn't like, he's likely to just skip that and beat them unconscious so he can leave and hide. With Fontaine or anyone who hurts him a similar
to be alone and not angry. With someone he doesn't know well or doesn't like, he's likely to just skip that and beat them unconscious so he can leave and hide. With Fontaine or anyone who hurts him a similar
amount, he'll seek them out and try to kill them. For the good of everyone.
Letha is the snarky sort; she was forced to gain a lot of self-control, so she goes through various levels of cold sass and avoidance before truly losing her temper. Even with people she really hates,
they'll usually just get a lot of snark from her and carefully chosen sharp comments. But her temper bubbles pretty close to the surface, and if something manages to set her off she'll scream and cry and
stab things with her scissors. Sometimes she kicks walls. Sometimes she stabs the person who's making her angry, but she really doesn't like the looks that people give her after she's stabbed them
so that's really more like a last resort if she doesn't know what else to do.
Carlos is used to being a low-level grunt, so he whines more than he yells when he's angry. He tends to sound like a moody teenager; he doesn't have good come-backs, but he does have an attitude and he's
not afraid to use it. When he really loses his temper, he shouts in spanish, and he may shoot people for pissing him off but he doesn't like to. But more than likely, he'll just whine a little aloud and mutter
insults under his breath in spanish, then refuse to admit that he said anything.
Brandon is much more manipulative, closer to Atlas in his mannerisms. He tends to hold in his anger, maybe make a few passive-aggressive comments, but he'll mostly take things in stride. Usually, he'll
just bottle up his anger until he can unleash it by abusing his best friend, who he proceeds to gaslight into thinking it's his fault and if he did more good things for Brandon it wouldn't happen.
It continues to happen. If Brandon is set off enough to not be able to bottle it up for later, he's not afraid to use his fists, but only if he's sure he could win the fight. He's not opposed to fighting
dirty just so he can win, though. He just really likes the feeling of skin breaking under his fists.
moral of this plurk is don't make xep's muses angry they'll fight you and probably win
8 years ago
(LOL) she doesn't like the looks people give her after she stabbed them...
8 years ago
never change, Letha
the thing with letha is she's 1000% willing to do bad things but negative percent willing to accept the consequences and that's the only thing that keeps her in line.
8 years ago
it works :-D
i mean, she hasn't died yet... HAHAHAHAHAHA... [shot]
8 years ago
8 years ago
to be fair, the thing that led to her death was not her being a lil shit, it was her not wanting to cheat on aristeo with severin. so.
still checks out.
8 years ago
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