我真的不知道K小姐你可以為了要打扮的漂漂亮亮的所以洗了個頭 弄了個髮型 卻讓我在你家樓下坐在車裡 雨中等你快一個小時 害我九點吃晚餐 卻擔心我肚子餓 所以請我去吃天外天麻辣鍋吃到飽 有夠貼心是吧
latest #19
so every single time if i go out with her i have to wait....
she just keep telling me sorry but still taking her time to make-up and dress-up
哈~你既然肯繼續跟她約會就是要take all the good and bad parts
i dont date with her often, just once in a while she feels bord and i feels bord so we hang out
she doesnt go out a lot, quite a 宅女 like me
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