8 years ago
latest #37
8 years ago
if it's robot aliens i'm set
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
I am a fucking doppelgänger, but at least I'm handsome?
☆ Popuko ☆
8 years ago
I'm the smartest dude ever. I'd come up with a way to get rid of them, but only if they were bothering my girlfriend
8 years ago
i'm glad this meme went up before tales from the borderlands tomorrow
8 years ago
i would hate to be rhys
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
oh hey, you got the bundle too, right?
8 years ago
the humble bundle?
8 years ago
nope, i don't do pc stuff
8 years ago
we had the handsome collection laying around and it's one of the few split screen games on the new customers
8 years ago
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
ah, that's fair. I'd play console too if my ps4's network was reliable
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
man, though, I'm having trouble with some bonus content and the internet has been largely unhelpful.
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
what console do you have it on?
8 years ago
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
I live for the day when all version have a universal network
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
8 years ago
the only thing i really do on my xbone is halo and the other exclusives
8 years ago
otherwise ps4 is better in every way
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
my original BL2 file is on the 360.
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
god, how are the graphics on the ps4? I bet they're gorgeous
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
I know DA:I and SoM are
8 years ago
i had it on 360 bc for some reason i decided that that was only for fps and ps3 was for everything else
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
that's not a bad way to differentiate attention between consoles
8 years ago
it looks fine, like a higher def version of what we already had
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
imo if I had to describe one for FPS, Xbox would be it. Playstation's always felt more rpg to me
8 years ago
i mean i play destiny on ps4 and xbone, but in general i like playing on ps4 better
8 years ago
then again, i've always hated the xbox controllers
8 years ago
ever since that first giant junk of couch sized plastic they gave us
8 years ago
i will talk a lot of shit about xbox, but i own all 3
8 years ago
i have tiny baby hands so ps controllers are better for me
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
I grew up on the PS1 so I've been kinda biased against xbox
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
but my family got a 360 instead of a ps3 so /shrug
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
8 years ago
it's not a horrible way to play games
8 years ago
i will always buy a ps, and then inevitably collect an xb for the one thing i want for it
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