First things first: I may have threatened to cut the still-beating heart out of a Yakuza thug. This worked.
Second, when my employer disposed of said Yakuza, I ended up removing his heart anyway. I put it in a box labelled "To: Kagama (the Yakuza boss) [heart shape]: The chummer we kidnapped from the motel"
Delivery has not occurred yet.
Next, we were sent to a Shiawase Corp. office to get info on a shipment of this new substance the Yakuza are using. We are posing as a maintenance crew for this mission.
The decker jacks in in full view of the guards on the relevant floor, and while I try to con him into an explanation (and the dice fucking hate me for it), one of my teammates tries to ask him if
the Seattle Freeze is real.
We get the data, but the guard gets angry at our obvious attempts to distract him and starts to call security (luckily the decker bricks the radio first).
I roll poorly on initiative and said guard shoots me in the face.
Luckily our mage heals me, and now I'm encouraging a teammate to start an electrical fire (this floor has poor wiring).
Our rigger was too much of a coward to start an electrical fire. We're running away.
I am way too injured to have a hope of hitting the drone shooting at us now. Unfortunately I'm also the only one reacting.
This would all have gone better if we'd just set the place on fire like I wanted.
Bah, emptied a clip at the drone. No avail.
The mage shoots one spell at it and misses, who knows what the decker's doing, and the street samurai sits there uselessly.
The dice fucking hated me tonight.