8 years ago
[DWRP in general] Yea when i think about it i just don't have the drive for this anymore
latest #35
8 years ago
i can't get myself to want to tag like i used to
8 years ago
Yeah, there was a reason I recommended a hiatus so long ago. >_> You were seeming tired..
8 years ago
sometimes you really need a huge break, I remember mostly taking a break about a year or more when I felt completely burnt out..
8 years ago
more than a hiatus, i just need to drop everything
8 years ago
Real talk tho: Getting into FFXIV is probably what killed my DWRP drive xD;
8 years ago
though spreading out my Ibuki muse to multiple games probably didn't help either.
well, whatever you do, i hope it helps. ♥ and if you do decide to drop, know that you're always welcome back.
you were always a blast to play with/
8 years ago
Thank you! I mean, I guess if I can put Ibuki on indefinite hiatus but if anybody wants to pick her up for Darkness then go ahead and let them. I don't know when or if I'll come back D:
8 years ago
you can do that if you like. it's up to you. if you think you'll come back, go for it.
but, yeah, it's that if.
8< i dont think anybody would take her if you did drop, but give it a think. i'm cool with either.
8 years ago
if I do bring her back, what I do with her would depend on if I get tenshi-mun to come back xD; I mean I don't think she's done anything in awhile, and bringing back that Ibuki with that development without
8 years ago
Tenshi around would be hard to play
8 years ago
and I sorta dragged her into FFXIV with me so
8 years ago
who knows, maybe the upcoming anime will rejuvenate my Ibuki muse and rp drive
8 years ago
sorry to do this just after the tag thing ;.;
so is she going to drop too then? because, yeah, she hasn't been active either.
i was actually going to ping the both of you about it xD;
just let me know what you guys end up doing so i can make the ( possibly ) necessary changes
8 years ago
I'll ask her and let you know here
here or you can send me a pp so we don't have to bog down your plurk xD
8 years ago
Some times you just need a break from it all. I've taken breaks that have lasted months and it's helped. And that's with dropping everything.
8 years ago
yeah I took a few years off from DWRP before actually
8 years ago
no clue if this one will last as long or shorter or whatever
8 years ago
yeah Tenshi is dropping too
8< alright. so i'll put in drops for you both then?
8 years ago
Alright. I hope things get better and if you ever want to come back let me know <3
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