pinkytea 蘋果因 asks
8 years ago
[HELP] sorry if i asked before..what's the brand of your standing desk?
latest #39
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
pinky: 其實我和Etta都會腰痛, 我們椅子太大了.
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
boss: 那你去找啊
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
etta & pinky: 開始search yoga ball chair
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
boss: 你們坐那個球還不如用standing table
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
pinky: *拼命點頭 其實IKEA有!!不會很貴!!!
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
boss: 那是手動的吧
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
boss: 手動的太遜了, 難道你要大哥每天上來幫你搖嗎? 電動的, 如果能讓你少請幾天假, 健康一點
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
pinky: *明明很感動還在囂張 這是你自己說的噢! 不是我提的噢~!!! XDDD
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
那天因為夜裡沒太睡好早上實在起不來就沒去上班, 自己在家low了起來, 超自責於是text老闆說有的時候depression kicks in就真的不想走出房間... orz
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
第二天他走到我前面說: 你的depression啊, 是因為缺少陽光!! 需要多曬太陽 我說不對不對.... 我就是睡眠不足 ><
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
感謝神, 雖然我從以前就不太怕他, 但這幾年他脾氣真的改變很多, 成長為讓員工有安全感和依靠感而不只是害怕的好老闆了!! T__T
8 years ago
你老闆真的對你超好又體貼 QQ
8 years ago
你老闆人好好啊~~QQ 不過我也是第一個月在藥房上班就出現了忘記設鬧鐘,十一點才出門的杯具..老闆也默默地等待,想說我應該是睡過頭,中午才打算打電話給我morning call XDD
8 years ago
話說standing desk好像要上千塊耶..我覺得你還是買個手動的先試試看比較好 XD
我常常杯具.....重點是一杯具就很難跨越心理障礙出門了。。因為去我們公司的路途實在是depressing Orz
8 years ago
免得老闆砸了一大筆錢結果不適合,然後pinky繼續請假... XDD
8 years ago
你沒有坐小C的車一起去上班嗎? :-o
8 years ago
問過她說爬不起來 而且小C也搖不醒 XD
nana123: 我杯具了當然就搭不上車了呀 >\\\<
kwyc: pey pey 幾乎從來不上來找我除了要洗衣服XD
8 years ago
my coworker made his own standing desk by putting his monitor and other stuff on boxes and old phone books (no idea where he found THOSE)
FREE and works perfectly XD
8 years ago
"手動的太遜了, 難道你要大哥每天上來幫你搖嗎" joey也太搞笑了吧!! i love your boss XDD 而且好體貼哦,真是夢中的老闆~~~
8 years ago
ours is from geekdesk, the one from ikea is $600, 或者如果想先試水溫的話,可以照 patty 說的先 DIY ~ XD
8 years ago
DIY sounds like a good plan..我覺得可能因為我這幾年都是站著上班,總覺得有椅子在那邊的話會忍不住去坐,standing desk一定撐不了多久 XD
v_vlll: thanks dear!!!! 改天去IKEA看看~
brokenvow: 我之前也想過! 可是那每次想坐下的時候就要把書全部搬走嗎..?
nana123: 我們決定先給Etta用試試看, 她的腰傷最嚴重...
8 years ago
剛剛查一下 Richmond Ikea is out of stock, but can still order online~ haven't checked the other locations tho
8 years ago
for DIY method 想坐下的時候 ... use a barstool instead? hahaha XD or have a second table for sitting if u use a laptop(easy to move between desks)
8 years ago
my coworker rarely sits when je works now... he just sits down when he does paperwork and doesn't need the monitor
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
v_vlll: 泥好貼心 <3
pinkytea 蘋果因 says
8 years ago
brokenvow: ah i see....Patty你坐久腰會痛嗎..?
8 years ago
yes... that's why I constantly get up to refill my water bottle and go to the bathroom and go bother other coworkers XD
brokenvow: awww 其實最近我發現放一個暖水袋在背後真的很舒服噢,你可以試試看 :-)
8 years ago
I'm too figity for that... 我很愛盤腿翹腳動來動去 (immature child)
brokenvow: 上班可以那麼隨意好幸福~~~我坐前台所以要假裝淑女 Orz
8 years ago
8 years ago
... putting my crossed leg away XD
8 years ago
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