issat cos we has desmond/
like I miss Arno but he's also semi exhausting in a way Jacob ISNT
Jacob runs along on his own steam
i think that's because Jacob isn't apologetic.
he has zero fucks to give
Like, he does all the irresponsible shit Arno does, but doesn't have the redemption arc
He just slowly changes rather than having it sledgehammered out of hi,
that's true. and Jacob's had a LOT more backup
None of this overly tragic backstory bullshit
like even as much as the Roth thing has messed with his head, it's a totally different thing
like learning that you can't trust people that way
yeah, shay was rocks fall
i mean it's usually guns and ships so
actually obviously oceans rise empires fall has to be 3
someday i'll take HIM somewhere
but he needs a system to complain and bitch about
keelial is perfect for him bitching about systems
i'm just unsure of my ability to get him wormed into shit
why can i see him with the dead men somehow
as much as he HAS friends
Haytham needs better ability to choose his friends
Well, he has an underling there already. :U
I heard Assassins
/collects AssCreeds to bosom
take the reject brotherhood and haytham and ezio
its like arno, shaun, the frye twins.
i popped them all into the same sandbox community to develop them and they recruited more weird people
and an oc apprentice I gave Arno
who gets to faceplant alot
because what the hell is wrong with this man's self preservation instinct
I will take them all, they my bae
I miss Arno. >.>;
this may sound odd, but
perhaps a psl at some point?
he and i are kind of casually trying to bridge the gap
China had weird and interesting feelings about him I'd like the opportunity to explore further at some point, anyhow. whenever and however works for you, I'm not picky
........... so if I were to come back to TuShan after my brief stint there