{e3/Games} So blah blah presentation line ups and times?
latest #23
Nintendo has opted out of its recent trend of Digital Events to instead begin with a full day of Nintendo Treehouse: Live, starting on June 14th at 9AM PST / 12PM EST
Well, so much for anything else I wanted to due Tuesday.
and I'm not sure how I feel about missing EA's press conference
but there's Titanfall to consider
since it'll actually get released for the PC Master Race
To be fair, I have to work all mondy so im missing everything i want to see
I'm an odd duck there. I have yet to find myself able to muster a single fuck about Mass Effect or Dragon Age.
I enjoyed the first 2 and 3 was...okay...
like I'm sure they're great games, but I have yet to be able to muddle through more than the first half hour of any game in either series.
Dragon age 1 is build like a pc game, so play it on that
and even if I wanted to give ME a proper shot, I don't see much point since I will never play 3 until it's available on Steam.
I'll probably muddle my way through bethesda and EA's stuff now that I'm home and have food
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