Blah blah blah man theres a lot of just talk
Of course star with battlefield
oh then tease it and go to titanfall being on everything
pretty much looks the exact same
fff single player. Why is that a selling point in games now
Yo that wildlife in titanfall
I forgot this is the shootbang sports ball one
singleplayer is probably a selling point because it was getting cut down or cut out, and tons of people raised hell.
especially on EA's products
Fff campaign in titanfall one was such a joke it was the worst
hm,,,running in frostbite? Isn't that the battlefield engine
the context seems cool but aside from FMV's and cutescenes you havent shown anything but like mocaping.
Play to give? That sounds actually like a novel idea.
Challenges, to do and then money donations to game schools
and back to sports ball. The european football
Oh man! another nervous sweedish guy
They know what gets people
It's a game about peoples place in nature.
Learning songs to do stuff
Silent ones come to fuck shit up
Oh neat all open world no guidelines
The art style is a little bit too hard polygon like for me to care for
Fff making battlefront a yearly thing now too?
I guess with how barebones 1 was its okay to have a second one out
Visceral and Respawn making action games in starwars setting.
...It looks like grant imahara is working on starwars games?
and ending with battlefront 1
Fff man so anything not sports or mainline shooters got glanced over what a shame