redpanda says
15 years ago
I just need ONE more person to sign up for artfire under my referral and I'm free for life!
latest #11
franni says
15 years ago
free for life is a wonderful thing i love my free!
LiberTEAS says
15 years ago
Wow! coolness!
15 years ago
wow I don't know how you guys manage to get people to sign up.
franni says
15 years ago
me i harassed people in etsy chat
15 years ago
lol Franni
franni says
15 years ago
Rainwolf says
15 years ago
i wish all the point I know I have would show up!
Rainwolf says
15 years ago
I even emailed john about it.. I signed up a second account for vintage and that did not even show in my points..
redpanda says
15 years ago
I emailed them yesterday but haven't heard back, presumably because it's the weekend Hopefully they'll help me out if I can't get the 1 more
Rainwolf says
15 years ago
if you get one send the rest my way
Rainwolf says
15 years ago
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