8 years ago
General RP stuff, a.k.a. I won't be apping anywhere else this month
8 years ago
Now that it's not the middle of the night, I finished reading most of the pages for Crosscheck aside from ranks and weapons and stuff and it's a power nerfing game.
8 years ago
I mean, of course it is, since you're choosing new weapons and everything, I feel like this should've been obvious to me, haha
8 years ago
But I wanted to play out stuff with Mirai's blood, so I'll probably bring her somewhere else
8 years ago
Reserves also close today, so I won't scramble trying to figure out if I should change reserves to another character, just keep building the arsenal
8 years ago
Which I should be doing with all this time on my hands but instead I'm just reading JJBA all day OH WELL