pinkytea 蘋果因 asks
8 years ago
any recommended RMT place..?
latest #13
8 years ago
I need recommendation on this too! need to find a good one now that I'm moving back..
8 years ago
if you've got coverage maybe try the one at rufi's clinic? and then you can come up for a cup of tea at my place if i'm home haha
whmiao: do you go for massages a lot in Victoria?
cuddlie: that would be blissful! Yes it was the first place I checked, their availabilities already start from mid August now... Orz
8 years ago
pinkytea: I keep going until my student insurance coverage gets used up so around once every 2-3 weeks during the school term...would be great to keep going in Van! I have super tight neck & shoulders..
whmiao: oh wow didn't know student coverage pays for your massages that's so sweet! I guess there are quite a lot here in Van but you need to book 2-3 weeks ahead in order to book a nice one...
8 years ago
whmiao: every 2-3 weeks waahh so jelly!!!!!!
8 years ago
pinkytea: let me know if you find one... right now the most heavenly massage i've had is at willow stream spa but so expensive TAT westin is alright.. 按完後隔兩天還是痠痛XD (明明是自己的問題
8 years ago
v_vlll I use it up after term 1 though (4-5 times) so my shoulders go back to stiff like stone the second term lol...感覺大家工作的保險應該cover的更多啊
8 years ago
whmiao: 我是到去年年底才驚聞我有coverage..XDDD 所以目前只有用保險付過一次哈哈 i so need to go again now cuz my shoulders are like stone now too!
v_vlll: no problem I'll do it! I checked willow stream they don't have availability tmr and we are going to retreat next weekend and next next weekend I'm expecting little bear ORZ but eventually I'll go!!!
8 years ago
pinkytea: yay~~~ wanna go with u! :-D
whmiao: 常常因為不好約就懶得約了... 你可以試試看放一個熱水袋在背後, 舒服很多噢
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