If you are a DWRP player, please take the survey and share with your friends! The aim is to build up a picture of the DWRP community. This survey focuses on game preferences.
Over 100 responses already, keep 'em coming!
Can you explain what you mean by "network"?
starsandauras: Sure, a network is a form of communication in an RP game that takes place through a device like a phone, rather than in-person.
So similar to the community aspect of DramaDramaDuck?
Usually but not always, there's a network community that all characters can post to in order to communicate via text, voice message, video etc.
As opposed to a log community which is where the in-person, face-to-face action happens.
starsandauras: Yes, exactly, since characters are posting and replying to each other via an online network rather than in-person.
palamecian: Thank you! We now have over 150 responses and counting!
do you have plans for using this research on a game or?
venicism: Possibly! My initial thought was wouldn't it be great if I had some data on DWRP game preferences to help with building a game.
Then I thought that it could be useful to anyone who is thinking of making a game. And possibly of general interest to the RP community at large. That's why I'm planning to share the results.
Interesting! Just finished it.
i also did it, this'll be interesting :3
Yee, did it. Hope you guys get useful results!
Question - any chance that the general public will get to see the results? If I can see it now I can't figure out how.
marcuswolf828: You can't see the live results as they stand now, but I will be sharing the results with everyone after the survey has closed.
Right now the survey is set to close on July 31st, but my aim is to get at least 200 responses and I think that will happen within the next couple of days so I might close it earlier. Will keep everyone posted.
sleepily finished it, sorry for being a too relaxed RPer who picked nearly all the junk when given a "choose all that's necessary" option lmao
are you interested in responses from people that do PSLs/memes/etc but don't like games?
Yeah, my opinion was often, "depending on the setting I am okay with ANY/ALL OF THESE" XDDD
sneakronicity: The survey is geared towards people who would at least consider playing in a game, since it asks about your game prefs. If you're interested enough to have prefs, feel free to respond!
Does the survey offer the ability to filter responses by demographic? I.e. if I wanted to see what people who favour small or slow-paced games like vs. larger ones? Or for younger vs. older RPers?
And we just hit 230 responses, thanks so much guys!
minor_ramblings: Good question. It does allow me to filter responses, so for example I could filter by age and see how people in a particular age bracket responded.
I'm actually curious if my preferences are as... different from the rest of DWRP as I feel they are sometimes.
The ability to filter would be seriously useful! Anecdotally, I know that preferences tend to cluster based on age category, but it would be interesting to see if that bears out in data.
I'm curious to see what it shows!
minor_ramblings: That's interesting and certainly something I can try to look at! Happy to take requests when it comes to filtering the results.
I look forward to a little data analysis.
I'm curious to see the results
Just took this, what a great idea!
nice! looking forward to seeing what the results look like
It might be beneficial to plug the data into an Excel spreadsheet and see if someone could put together a pivot table with it for you?
mistojen: I can export the results so it should be possible to do that! Pivot tables are not my strong suit so if anyone would like to volunteer to look at that, please feel free.
Yeah I'm garbage at pivot tables but maybe someone who
is good at them will see this and offer to help you out there.
Very cool idea! Taken and replurked!
I can make pivot tables do my bidding, so if you can upload an Excel sheet of results, I'd be happy to share soem analyses on here.
And we just hit 300 responses! Some very interesting data here.
I randomly ran into it the other day and filled it out! Can't wait to see the results.
done & replurked altho its just been bakerstreet for years now
Replurking this, cause this kind of information probably would be very helpful for a lot of game builders.
I based a lot of my replies off what I want/prefer, rather than what I can do at the moment (since RL loves to make things difficult)
the survey results include the clarification comments?
SwirlingFlight: Yes, I'll share the full results including comments. I'll check through them first to make sure none of them identify the respondent, since the survey is meant to be anonymous.
This was interesting to do!
We now have over 400 responses! This is fantastic, keep 'em coming!
I'm impressed that there's been that many responses!! One of the questions that gets batted around sometimes is that no one knows how many RPers are on the site anymore
once i added up the appreciation meme toplevels and it was over 1000
but that was a few years ago
done and done, that was fun
Completed and replurked! Pretty impressed with how well put together that was.
Even though I've dropped out of games entirely, I took the survey. Looking forward to seeing the results. c:
And we've now reached 500 responses!
looking forward to the results. wonder how my responses match up
Laughed at the 'make them suffer' type response and checked it off when I was done laughing.
It's what we do best. lol
the results be available for everyone to see?
pr0ph3t: Yes, I will share the results with everyone!
awesome, then!

<33 I mean, seriously: i canot wait o see myself...

it was a remarkably in-depth survey, I'm so interested in seeing the results!
Indeed, so am I, really...

Thanks, I hadn't ever thought in-depth about my preferences before, this was an interesting exercise!
We've now passed 600 responses! This is way more than I ever expected! I'm going to review tomorrow and decide when to close the survey (probably in the next day or two). Will keep you posted.
might be a good idea to keep it up for a couple of days more! you posted this yesterday and got 600 responses, if you keep it up longer you would be able to get more accurate statistics of the dwrpers as
a whole, rather than just the people who knew of this in the first 24 hours
i would also suggest keeping it up for seven or so days
yeah, especially if you're going to want to stratify the results by age and the like, the more responses you can get, the better
and if the aim is to get a good portrait of the community at large it's a good idea to let it circulate for a while so you can catch people in different timezones/with different schedules that may not
It's not like data analysis will be any harder if you get more results; if you can export 300 responses you can export 900, right? And the analysis of it will follow the same parameters
^^^^^ also this re: timezones
Might be a good idea to reach out to game or meme mods for further signal boosting, too
this being shared around other places for those who don't have/use plurk regularly?
A lot of rpers don't use plurk!
it is SDCC this weekend. plus, timezones are a thing.
midworld: I've shared the link on rpanons, but that's it. If anyone has any ideas on how to reach people who don't use Plurk, let me know!
well, SDCC probably doesn't make a big dent in dwrp activity in general because not every rper is from the US, and not every US rper goes to SDCC... it's not like, say, Thanksgiving weekend
Have you thought about reaching out to the bakerstreet mods? a lot of people don't check the anon comms but bakerstreet has fairly impressive numbers
And these are all good points from everyone. I won't close the survey while it's still getting a lot of responses, it never hurts to have more data!
ihasarobot: You know, I did think about that earlier today but wondered whether it would be appropriate since bakerstreet is for memes while this survey is about games.
But it could be a good way of reaching RPers who don't use Plurk.
That's a good point. For what it's worth, a lot of people who go there already play at games? so there's that to consider
Research anon, I just realized something that is missing in your survey: location! It would have been pretty epic to know where we're all from, too.
ihasarobot: oh I know not every DWRPer is American: I am Australian myself
but I have noticed this weekend being v. v. quiet so it does happen
that would be interesting too yes... although a bit late 600 surveys in XD
but yeah asking the bakerstreet mods what they think would be reasonable, at least, I'd say! if they're up for it, it certainly spreads a wider net
ihasarobot: Aha, well the clever thing is that the survey already records your location! So I can give you that data too.
For example, I can tell you that of the RPers who have completed the survey so far, 70% are based in the USA.
as a Kiwi, I don't find that location really ties into game preferences as much as "does this game backtag" does
And we've had responses from 31 different countries.
ashenkey: my bad, then. I just haven't noticed a difference in activity this past weekend at all
definitely curious about that location data
And we've now passed the 700 mark! After just over 24 hours, what a great response.
there isn't a way to go back into the survey and add in some things we forgot when we first took it, is it?
I'd be super interested in filtered results as mentioned by others above like do people who responded X prefer Y or Z in this other area
if we get the raw data as well, i can do some fun stuff with it like ^ mentioned
inthetatras: I'm afraid not! Although if you're really keen on adding extra commentary, you could always PM me!
well, they're things about in the past rather than presently, since they were for games that I left years ago. so if that doesn't seem important I can just sit on it
pr0ph3t: Yes, I'm hoping I can extract and share the raw data in such a way that anyone can play with it.
as someone who is Old in interweb years and who has retired to a life of PSLs, this was very interesting to fill out... really curious about the resulting data and what the differences will look like age-wise
I've been wanting to do research regarding the rp and fanfiction community myself for a long time, but have never gotten off my ass to do it... maybe some day.
Yeah I'm Internet Ancient myself, it was interesting to see how structured things have become. And kind of sad too, I don't think I could ever go back to games as they are now.
i'd love to see the data for this once it's up
aww! xD indeed,
curvytangerine? I mean, sorry, but-- if your age is accurate on your profile, well... You're still rather
Young even in Interweb years...
It might be interesting to do a companion survey on dwrp assumptions. Granted, you'd have to do it prior to data release on this one.
This is really cool and I'm hype to see what information we get out of it
what's the difference between PSL and musebox?
I'm also one of the older folks and I still enjoy games even if I have some PSLs going, but one thing that really annoys me about games now is the attitudes people have now.
musebox is more a place where people can play PSLs.
Some people just do PSLs in journals, so museboxing can be different
When you ask about media you currently play from, are you asking specifically about accounts that we're currently tagging with, or just accounts that we are considering "active muses"? By that I mean accounts
but folks also do other things with museboxes, like a bunch of my friends have open call out posts in their personal museboxes for random threads.
that maybe we don't have active threads going on with but that we would be willing to use in a meme or PSL if we saw a good opening, if that makes sense.
So, "I am currently tagging with a character from this canon" vs "I have an account for a character from this canon that I might use in the near future".
I just do PSLs in museboxes so I didn't know
thanks for the explanation!
I know I personally took it as characters I could bring out now without needing to canon review and such
HotPinkCoffee: PSLs and museboxes overlap since people often play PSLs in museboxes, but I wanted to ask about both since some people play PSLs outside of a musebox and others use museboxes for other things-
Like posting memes or open posts for their characters, that kind of thing.
notJoe: For media you currently play from, I'm referring to characters that you actively play at this moment. However, I'm aware that people may interpret this to mean any character on their roster-
-even if they're not actively tagging with them right now. Either way is fine, it still gives a snapshot of what sort of characters people are playing.
Got it, thanks. You might also want to include None Of The Above as options for some of the questions (I'm thinking specifically of page 11 and the "which of these is a deal breaker for you"?
I know you can put n/a in the Other field, but there's no toggle box there so it might be confusing for some folks.
*question 11, not page 11
notJoe: Thanks for the feedback! I think you can put n/a in Other so it still works, but I did get a couple of comments along those lines in the survey.
There are a couple of questions I would tweak for that reason if I did the survey again.
Real_Life_Joly haha, I know 29/30 is young irl, but dude, if you've ever played in a MUDD or a mailing list rp, you are Internet Old.
Yeah, I'm with Ginzo on this one. Internet time works differently. (ah the days of mailing list RP . . . I had no idea what to do when a friend introduced me to journal RP, heh.)

indeed? Well,
curvytangerine , if you were actually of a legal AGE when you played on an old-school mailing list
which I have, in fact I DO think that they can consider
you Internet Young...

I appreciate your effort in throwing this survey together! I look forward to seeing the results.
insanityprelude: My anxiety spikes when that person comes up. That's... good to know. >_< (Do I want to know why you think they're here?)
... um... haha so... what's the difference between log and network games?
graesceadwe: Logs and networks are usually side by side in the same game! In a log, characters interact face-to-face. On a network, characters have a device like a phone which they may use for texts, calls...
...videos, basically virtual communication.
A lot of games have separate communities for networks and logs.
so... i... i still don't get it /)(\
graesceadwe: ecats is 100% "logs" tho we don't call it that. networks are pretty common everywhere else tho
If characters are interacting face-to-face, it's a log. If they're interacting over a game-wide virtual/online network using a phone or other communication device, it's a network.
haganenomore Haha, I deleted because I realized it wasn't a great idea to draw attention to her- but it's pretty well known that that's her plurk, and the awkward behavior is... well, classic.
the division is interesting to me because I feel like it comes from starting off RPing like a journal was actually a character's journal they were using on the Internet
Okay. I must have missed it because of the lack of certain... flourishes. (Plus, it's been awhile since I had to deal with her. ::is one of the SPN people she was chasing around Bakerstreet:
and then any "offline" interactions could be done in chat or however else and were "logged"
but if you're coming from CFUD etc where the default is RPing what people are actually doing and you can just be on the internet if you want to the division seems weird
and I feel like it's more blurry these days anyway as more games are friendly to commentspam style logs vs prose
vectorspace: Yeah, I completely agree. I think it's also a throwback to the days when games were usually journal-based, so you'd have characters write in their journals.
i remember those days, and you had to add everyone journal to keep track hahaha
yeah definitely my first RP in like 2006 was journal based and it was like these were the character's actual LJs
This is all really interesting to me because I made certain assumptions about DWRP terminology that I thought was commonplace, but I don't think that's necessarily true across the board.
and a lot of in-person stuff was done in AIM chat and then you could post transcripts or prose-ify it
but now I am definitely on the side of in-person comment spam community all the time
network/prose split is really alien to a lot of people used to in-person comment spam and can end up being like, why does my character have to be on the internet to have a fast conversation...
A good exercise in RP terminology not being universal: My first major game was Milliways, which sorta developed in a bubble separate to most of LJ/DWRP culture.
I vividly remember someone posting on the OOC comm 'what's a plurk, do I want one?' and in the comments, 'for that matter WHAT THE HELL IS A CR.'
This was... 2010 or so, maybe? Before the mass migration to DW but not by much.
oh yeah I remember not knowing what CR was or why it needed an abbreviation
PSL is one my circle didn't get to until pretty recently too I think
muse is very strange for me sometimes. my original circle was pup and mun and now no one uses those, so I have to catch myself from just automatically going with old terminology
I still use pup and mun. ::shrug::
I found mun super strange too, we always just said player and character...
i was in circles that used 'mun' for a while but ive never been anywhere 'pup' caught on
Wow, I haven't seen ::action dots:: in ages!
I wish "pup" would catch (back?) on. I feel silly saying "muse" and it's much more friendly to Plurk's character limits than (heh) "character."
I've action dotted since my fandom message board days. XD
I was at Sages and associated comms way back when, yep.
notJoe I seem to recall you started with those, but we moved on to asterisks or double parenthesis or something.. memory is hazy, ask again later
zomg Sages. anybody we'd recognize? XD
To me, double parentheses is out of character commentary.
I was one of the Edward Elrics swarming the place.
i find 'pup' kind of uncomfortable
My first RP char. I picked him up when most of them seem to have faded away.
oh man, there WERE so many Eds for a while there. Somebody should have set up an Ed Battle Royale that dropped the violence shield
[Brackets] I think? Then small text inside brackets.
I know a couple games were using full size text italicized in brackets for the narrative.
Given mine wasn't human anymore, he would have stood a good chance of winning.
The small text in brackets seems to have stuck for most of DWRP, which I'm happy with. It's a pain to code on mobile but it makes it so much easier to skim for the dialogue.
I've drifted too far into prose rp. I don't think I could go back to commentspam
It's a different style and my brain has gotten old and set in its ways XD
Commentspam and prose both suit me fine. I'm in one game in each style.
In my current game it's up to the folks in the thread to pick one, so sometimes I'm writing [prose like this] and some days "it's like this". Honestly, switching styles bothers me less than switching time
Now I want to see how much where/when you started rping affects the rest of how you view stuff. obviously it affects the terminology you use
how many people have filled it out so far, op?
That would make for a statistically significant sample size for something like 5000 people. (exact value when i have my computer and Excel)
Although hpw fine is your location data? Would you be able to id someone stuffing the ballot box, as it were?
minor_ramblings: Re: location data, honestly I'm not sure. I imagine it identifies location by IP address which isn't necessarily 100% accurate. Right now I have 44 results listed as "unknown"
so it wasn't able to identify the location of those respondents.
Even if it does go my IP address... there's four RPers in my apartment. At least two of us have done the survey.
That's not stuffing the ballot box, but limiting things to one form per IP address would lock out three opinions.
aha! That would clear up most problems, yes.
Which I hoped would be enough to prevent multiple responses by the same person.
At least in most cases! I figured that if I restricted it by IP address, I might face the exact problem you would face with people living in the same apartment trying to fill out the survey.
It makes it a lot harder for one person to do a bunch, anyway, since they'd have to keep finding new computers. That would take effort.
I'm pretty confident in the data as an overall sample. Even if there are a few anomalies or duplicates, it wouldn't make much difference.
Different devices should register with different IP addresses, but doing it by device seems like the best way to avoid problems
When I checked the location data at 600 responses, 70% were from the USA. Checking it again at over 900 responses, and 70% are from the USA. The percentage has stayed consistent throughout.
That's interesting that it's stayed that consistent
Limiting it by device is a good idea -- neatly gets around the multiple household RPers.
aeroga: It did not, no! That was something I didn't consider.

(A sneak peek!) We've now passed 1000 responses!
Huh, neat. The peak of the bell curve is shifted an entire age category older than where I thought it would be.
The majority of the population actually is following me age-wise...
...wow, DWRP's older than I thought it was.
This actually looks a hair younger than I expected, given my timeline.
Looks accurate to me. I think a lot of us found DWRP when we were younger and stuck with it for years.
yeah this is about what i expected!
Yeah... I had the impression that the main crowd found it in college several years back like I did and stuck around, so I guess I was right.
i rped on tumblr for a bit and everyone is in the 16-20 range there, it's like a a small generation gap
I don't even understand how to rp on tumblr... haha
i find it interesting since i figure it came with fandom communities being mostly based on LJ in the early 2000s
and then early 2010s tumblr gained a lot of popularity as a fandom platform and the younger peeps all started out there
haha tumblr rp is wild and completely different and not my thing, in spite of me having done it for a while
I came in on journal RP in 2003 and I was just entering high school.
I'm bringing a tumblr friend to DW and honestly it's so confusing to people if they haven't been part of DW culture for years
we've got so much jargon and so much stuff we take for granted is super unintuitive!
yeah, i tried doing this as well with moderate to no result
its kind of overwhelming how much lingo there is to learn
It can be kind of a lot even just switching from one district of DWRP to another. When I started frequenting bakerstreet after a life at Milliways, I was often confused.
Can't imagine trying to switch from an entirely different platform.
there something we could do to make that transition easier?
one of the biggest hurdles we're running into is that they don't use html on Tumblr RP as much
isn't there a guide somewhere of DWRP jargon?
I was trying to write one a while back, actually, but I don't think I ever got around to finishing / posting it
...possibly I should revisit that
There should be! I remember a friend of mine made a giude to dwrp once
lemme see if I can find it
there's a few around, but I tihnk a lot of them are rather out of date now
that first one I haven't seen! I might link it on mine when I get around to actually posting it somewhere
lmao i'm 24 so i'm just barely in that category XD
these days, we're not quite as practiced at helping newsbies get the hang of things, sadly
Holy shit I remember being part of that rp
it's been a year or two since I've RPed so I'm not useful for the survey, but ooooh data
I also came in from forum RP. I've always imagined Tumblr RP to be similar to that, which hasn't made me that interested in checking it out tbh.
I came in from forum RP/fandom on LJ when I was starting high school
I started my RP career on gaia, shamefully. Now I'm playing tabletop and on DW. Much better.
Yeah I came in from Neopets.
Oddly enough, I think I started on some Pokemon forums
Gave up after a while, came back when LJ was still a thing
I did a few months' worth of forum RP... then bingeread the DW RP I wanted to join before even starting the app. |D
I started in AOL chatrooms, oh dear. I don't remember how I found out about email list RP, but thank goodness I did.
I came in from MU*s. Made the jump to journal based when I couldn't spare the time for realtime.
Sometimes I miss them -- the ability to 'build' an entire complex area and describe all the spaces in it was pretty neat.
I kind of miss the casual AIM RP that was still a pretty common thing during early LJRP, but hardly anyone I RP with even uses AIM anymore
haha yeah. It's a little hard for me to believe it's already been 4 1/2 years since the mass migration over to DW
which.... I remember cos it happened like right before I moved to my current apartment. within a month.
tbh the fact that we were mostly teenagers explains a shitload about late-200s Polychromatic and early DDD
and the "zomgcrack[canon]" RPs
yes. I was in BNF Brawl for more than three years. that... journal-based game where characters were aware they were characters in media and took part in fandom
and it had so much stupid crack
i was in bnf brawl too but it was such a mess in hindsight i barely consider it as counting
like apps were just emailing your name and the account + character
it's like an embarrassing baby picture.... hilarious and unflattering jdfgkldfjh
Yeah. pretty much. and there was a rule that you could be as IC or OOC as you wanted. because it was fandom
I am usually too embarrassed to talk about that game, but... yeah.
do you mind if I ask whom you played there?
i tell myself i was barely 16, so you know.
i played naruto there the longest i think? and also harry potter for a good stretch, and then like 15 other characters for shorter periods of time
I don't have that excuse, I was... almost 24 when I joined there, ten years ago
I remember those characters but I don't think we interacted much.
we had to wait to add everyone, because lj blocked you from adding too many journals at once to prevent spam bots
it had a cap of 400 characters and for a long time was at cap
I played the Light Yagami who eventually married Ginny Weasley, as well as... Delirium from Sandman, Kururu and Akito/Agito/Lind from Air Gear, Lucy/Nyuu from Elfen Lied, Bob the Clue Trout,
i can't remember when games went from journals being an IC thing the character used to networks and logs... i feel like at the time most games were the former
omg i remember them THE TROUT...
Nabiki Tendo from Ranma 1/2, one of the Fuji Syuusukes from Prince of Tennis (not the first one. like... the third one), and a few random other bit characters
and the multi-fandom library of everything
I think 2008 or so was probably the earliest that games started veering toward logs and networks.
you know, I've thought before about the difference in app quality in the late 2000s vs now
there were some spectacularly atrocious applications I saw as a mod
you know, back when apps were emailed to a mod email account
yeah, i remember standards were much lower back then
it's not even acceptance standards
like, the stuff that was produced
it was on a whole different level of microscopic, badly-spelled, bullet-point purple-prose OP
the sasuke applications I saw....
Yeah. I look back on some of my old apps from 2006-2008 and kind of cringe at some of them
(except the CFUD apps. I liked most of mine, plus they're designed to be short and sweet)
ngl the age ranges there do surprise me, I though a lot more people would be in the 18-25 range.
though I do know all the teenagers are on tumblr rp, I have a tumblr for a certain PSL and yeah, it's a very different thing.
formatting is... definitely... a thing. that exists.
I guess like others have said it does make some sense, since a lot of DW people are previously LJ folks, and I started on LJ uhhhhhh idk, in 2003? and have also done stuff on IJ.
it tracks w my experience of starting on lj as a smol baby and growing up in dwrp I guess
hoping to still see something interesting in these results
as someone who jumped from dwrp to tumblr: there is very little html since most of tumblr uses the rich-text editor
if you're an independent rper that's not affiliated (that's basically being in a game for tumblr) you're indie and it's basically like you're running bakerstreet
out of your own character tumblr
most people have permissions as "rules" which tell you how they rp/if they have triggers/their timezones/important things to know about their character or their life
the most headache-inducing thing is probably the fucking tag system since people like using tumblr names with a - in between words like
red-trenchcoat for ed elric or something, and the - makes the tag void and you will never be able to find anything you tag with that tag...
which makes it a fuckin pain to reply/keep track of your replies. also you obviously aren't emailed your replies/their replies since you rp by reblog, so most people just use their activity page
or use a special thread tracker site on its own.
just like ljlogin used to be necessary to rp seriously, you're expected to have x-kit so you can edit your reblogs/auto tag your asks/etc
overall it's really fun honestly and it's very very different from dwrp
i will say that tumblr rp tends to make me go "just get over yourself and TALK TO PEOPLE" since there tends to be a culture of "omg i'm too shy to talk to you! so i'll follow you forever
and never interact!" which is its own type of hell.
midworld inthetatras: oooh, I keep running into people from brawl this week that I actually used to rp with. XD and god, yeah, I get kind of embarrassed about that game from time to time. it was fun, but so
full of ooc rp. and I look back on my old rp from there sometimes and go "I can't believe I wrote that."
I forgot to mention this but under things which will kill my interest in playing in a game, my personal "other" would be micro-managing. I know mods worry a lot about players who want to be handheld through-
everything, but I'm one of those who will stay in an all-but-dead game so long as I'm not being told how to. THAT'S PROBABLY JUST ME BUT if anyone is reading and can tell me if that goes for them too I'd
super appreciate it
Oh man, the "zomg" RPs, there's a callback
remember when RPs were single-fandom? 'cause I do
silverwolfcc: nope not just you. i can't stand micromanaging. not too great at fellow players needing mods to
give them all the plots instead of creating their own, either

Just gimme a mod team that is there to handle the ooc drama shit I don't want to/can't deal with and I am a very happy RPer.
\:|/ Some people need a "push" I guess??
Yeah, I've been in games where you have a lot of players who need/demand micromanaging. I think some measure of it can work well, depending on the game premise, but if a game grows to a certain size it can kill
a game. There's just no way mods are able to hold hands for everyone once a game grows to a certain size.
/shrug/ different strokes. Maybe there's a way to clarify in a game description if it's more mods-hands-on or hands-off and that way everyone can go which way they prefer.
wow talk of bnf brawl brings back memories. I was one of the Niou (Prince of Tennis) players. The one that threw Kirihara a birthday party in Light's house lol
not a horribly active participate though
Like I said, different strokes

Sometimes I feel more invested/inspired when a mod puts a lot of work and love into their world-building, but other times I want to shake them like "omfg let's just play"
/nod/ and with 600+ people I think we can safely say DWRP is big enough for all types
I'd really like to see the results of this.
venicism: I vaguely remember that. hello!
flashily: this is not the first time we've run into each other on plurk. just the most recent.
yeah. it's just funny that in 24 hours I've run into a handful of people from brawl days that I haven't kept touch with.
(there's quite a few people that I still talk with frequently either on plurk or fb.)
there's also a former Brawl player on my timeline. she played Midna, and some others that I don't remember
oh, and I'm RL friends with Sera, the former Tachibana and creator of Bob the Trout
she got married last summer
I've got 9 or 10 former brawl players on my timeline. but probably an additional 10 that I still keep up with on fb.
silverwolfcc: There are some circumstances where I like heavy mod involvement like the short run game I'm in where there's a lot of mysteries and stuff in the world for characters to happen across
and the mods are really on top of it
But I think the part in italics there is super important and that kind of involvement only makes sense in really specific game settings
I've also had the experience of being one of the most active players trying to keep a dying game afloat and hitting a point where I needed mod responses and wasn't getting them and literally couldn't play
I need to take a look at this tonight!
Update: The survey is set to close this Saturday July 30th at 15:00 Pacific time/18:00 Eastern time/23:00 UK time.
I will share the initial results after the weekend.
\o/ I'm away for a long weekend, but will be back Tuesday-ish if you'd still like me to take a crack at some statistical analysis.
Statistical analysis is always welcome!
can't wait for the results. I'm really curious
i took it

i'm so curious about the results
Last chance to take the survey! It's set to close this Saturday July 30th at 15:00 Pacific time/18:00 Eastern time/23:00 UK time.
Also answered this last night!
Juuuuust got to it. I'd love to see the breakdown, and if more specific studies need to be done.