rpresearch says
8 years ago
Just for fun: the DWRP survey asks what media you currently play from. What do you think is the number one answer?
latest #16
8 years ago
The choices are: Anime/manga, Live action, Video games, Western animation, Books/theater, Comics, Web comics, Original characters, Other
8 years ago
I'll reveal the answer tomorrow!
i wanna say live action
that or ocs
8 years ago
Yeah I'd say anime, comic books, and live action. It has to be one of them
8 years ago
annie mays, for sure.
8 years ago
Vidya's probably 3rd
8 years ago
Nobody got it right!
8 years ago
The top answer is video games. Anime/manga comes second, live action third.
weaver ♪
8 years ago
Interesting! I bet JRPGs are causing people's perception to blur the line between animanga and video games. I know the ones I most often play from would
8 years ago
huh. I can see that, considering the jrpgs. heck, even I've played from a Japanese game before, yet somehow I didn't think that lol
weaver ♪
8 years ago
Like, I have a lot of characters from the Tales of series
weaver ♪
8 years ago
which is basically interactive anime lol
weaver ♪
8 years ago
plus anime OVAs based on video games
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