even his nice iteration sacrificed Thor once
Would Jacob kill Petra though?
he fully expects someone to try and kill him one day
I suspect not very easily
he might pull the plug on life support kind of deal
but for Jacob, it's a very last resort
also, he would prefer not to kill one of the few people he has a chance to be close to :T
he might kill for her, though, if it was the only way out
what about the whole 'gotta look out for fellow troublemakers' thing??
(No hard feelings, though. Robin would kill him too, if it came down to it)
he would feel bad afterwards, Robin
but mostly, if it's Robin or the ship
sometimes there isn't an easy third option :|
/laughs and looks at some of our AUs
(no hard feelings either)
Wanda would be a very last resort, though :|
and he'd be looking for a way to bring her back afterwards
He better make it quick if he has to kill Billy :T
Thor wouldn't be surprised though
Teddy would never kill Billy
canon says that takes like 30 years and actual eldritch abomination territory
he would be very sorry about it either way D:
that Teddy was ready to kill him
but he wasn't happy about it
also, it's partly a canon thing, and partly a CRAU thing in Savrou
like, people die a lot in 616, and for a Norse god it's actually pretty easy to bring them back
that's why he makes sure to actively erase his younger self
in game, he's just used to people Coming Back
they die, it's not very nice, but it's definitely a temporary setback
but even so, things would have to be very bad for him to kill Billy, and he would try to make it quick and painless :c