as always, if anyone wants to summarize yesterday's findings, that would be great!
i know there were a couple of top levels that didn't get a lot of discussion because they went up late
imma try to put together a timeline
and that would be awesome siz, thank you!
comments for notifs as well
So in a little bit I may throw up a top level for strip searches, unless someone else wants to?
I haven't done a summary in a while, so I could do that?
comes in for notifs and curls up in blankets good day everyone
notifs look like they might be coming back but definitely ping me/yell at me in my catchall plurk if you need clover still because i'm still out with a friend so i'm not paying especially close attention,,,
I'm off to work but I can comment around
since I know we didn't get car yesterday
I just woke up so slams in here for notifs
Also yeah Christy a summary would be stellar if no one else is up for it
summarize that we learned Nothing
And that immunity is awesome
I'm glad notifs are back from the war for today
alright im on my computer
maybe we won't need to extend into next decade
are there any top levels that need to be made?
im working on the "get naked" option
aside from room searches which i'll do in a bit
so we can look for knife wounds
im so sad we used up our fingerprint powder
can you imagine if the killer didn't wear gloves this trial
now all we have is dildo luminol
comments for notifs, or ping if you need anything, I'm mobile for a couple hours and dedicated after that
also realized jack is the ONLY dude ok
I think signing up to strip young girls could get some of us put on a watch list
i guess jason can strip jack if we're all out of adult males
thank you or liz would have to
i cant believe we're down to our last like 5 adult males
"daddy kink" the game the life
How many of them are really a duets tho
yeah its like luke, jason, judar, jack, and toddy i think
and judar is technically a teen
do jason, judar and luke even count as adults
wait jason is also a teen
Do any of them?? Even jack has a certain childlike glee when it comes to bodies and killing then
realistically its like luke, jack and toddy
this is the worst timeline
so really we're down to jack and dorian
jack is also the oldest now too
men miscast in role of fathers
and dorian is the drunk uncle
this timeline has gotten too dark
dorian is off to side watching everyone yell and blow luke up and sipping wine
I feel like these aren't necessarily the best role models
picture this: jack and dorian as the only surviving adults
i guess jessie can survive too
i think grell, fiona and jessie are the last surviving ultimate women
we have grell as far as grown-ups go but grell is jack the ripper
Isn't that the cast of saved by the bell beach trip?
grell is doing her best!!!!
grell is jack the ripper tho
we have like 5 remaining adults thats kind of hilarious
grell!! is doing her best!!!
he best just happens to be
this is some lord of the flies type shit
also Dorian exists guys oh my god
dorian got a mention but mostly in the form of a disappointed sigh
yes but dorian is our drunk uncle\
i like to imagine dorian is just there
sighing and drinking wine
also god adrien is volunteering to strip marinette because NO ONE IS STRIPPING HIS GF???
There's a time and a place for that?
do not have sex midtrial, furries
listen he searched his own goddamn rooms he can strip his gf this trial isn't that well thought out
judar and grell were permitted to go into yuno's room and now no one will know about her stalker drawers
the yan cave sits untouched
no one questioned the yan cave, roxy agreed not to tattle on the weapon hoarding
when will adren and yuno booby trap a room together, is what this trial will make use question
More seriously, at some point we should think about other things to compare the burnt scraps to, since they apparently don't belong to the dead guys and nothing obvious came up in room search
adrien and yuno should not be allowed to interact
yeah ive been thinking about the scrap too
also mods can jason request a special soundtrack for adrien and marinette
some barry white perhaps??
wow I cant believe adrien is throwing a shoe at Jason too
make it as sexy and inappropriate as possible
the scrap and also the blood on the scarf bc I still don't understand
I recommend buttons by the pussycat dolls
hancock already won that one anyway
if we think the scrap is clothing belonging to the killer that'd take marinette off the list? since she was ladybug all night and that shit dont come off. ... ofc u guys dont know that icky but
ive been working on this for 20 years
also lmfao do we have enough non-suspect ladies
to strip the suspect ladies
i can double up if we need to!
i can search adelina and yuno
machiako is my favorite word
its taking a while to load for me so i can only imagine
its not QUITE as bad as last week's
we had a lot of pinks this week
i cant believe jack's alibi is the most solid
if only bull had lived to see it
"shanked when no one was looking"
gay baby house arrest is a good sentence
this is truly the darkest timeline
ok ill just tag both adelina and yuno since clover would kill elizabeth and marinette needs adrien to strip her
she would absolutely kill elizabeth
i think the boys would get punched at this rate
i wear the cone of shame for me alien betrayak
strip search an anxious mentally unstable girl with a laser scythe and a meat cleaver why don't you
even dorian would feel too creepy stripping these cute teens
let the purish 1912s girl do it
hes super gay but also super 30
if mira is around grell can do clover?
ForestTemple rune are you around and willing to do a strip search!! clover's gonna throw a temper tantrum because of course she is but jessie's the only girl left she trusts :'|
OH YEAH jessie is good too
mira's at work rn i think so
I mean given what clover wears
do we really need to strip search her
yeah do we need to search her just go behind a towel and shake out the bikini top
if jessie or grell wants to check yuno, they can then!
can jason and jack stop having a moment
its not a moment please make it stop
he doesnt want to bond with liz's shotgun dad
Jessie checking Yuno or Clover...
stop he doesn't call himself handy j anymore
rhys ruined that nickname
idk, rune. are we gonna handwave clover because she wears revealing clothes?
anyway looking at the timeline
i think it's interesting we have such a LONG time of death range
so maybe i'll do a top level about timing
if we're doing clover jessie is doing clover, i think we're doubling up because we're running low on girls who aren't suspects but i think someone else is doing yuno?
i just didnt know if we were waving clover's legitimately for...
sorry about clover's fashion sense
A top level about timing is a good idea
jason all about that gender equality
if anyone who didnt get to participate a lot yesterday wants to do it go for it
if not i dont mind putting one up
also I joked about adrien doing marinette's but if anyone would icly argue he'd let them he's just volunteering to keep trying to help hide tikki
clearly someone should get judar to marry them first
jack is definitely going to call jason sugartits ftr
that one is definitely the funniest
Jason run that's what he called rhys. ur his rhysplacement
this has been another #jackwatch mistake
let's jigsaw the corpse back together guys. as a family
the family that jigsaws together stays together
this is the best use of my work hours honestly
this will clearly solve the case and not waste any time whatsoever
ALRIGHT i'll tag the body thread and toss you all a link
jason really didn't want to delay getting murdered by liz did he
its how he knows she cares lbr
if they find both his arms at the same time will they make him high five
please make them high five
that's tasteless they should make him fist bump
also do we want a modtag for dickquest
i am all for disrespecting machias's corpse
listen I am all about it. adrien. is probably less about it
but can we find the dick mods plz answer th-- god actually I dont want to know
it's so hard playing decent human beings
I'm crying a little bit iinside... and outside
I found Moby dick um. no you didn't? adrien saw it last week and now its dead
so what was adrien doing with machias' dick
oh my god I'm talking about bull's
obviously??? who else would be Moby dick???
all the boys rais etheir hands
Adrien's life has been changed thanks to ladybull
someone get the tape measures, lets see whos is really the mobiest
he's sure never looking at dicks the same way
oh are we having a dick measuring contest
Jason is sleeping in the proverbial couch this week but this is #worthit
you mpreg'd the game last week
we need a book arumat never would have
and all started demanding mpreg
and cappy tried to refuse
still gotta blame cappy, it's only right
honestly everything is cappy's fault
you just gotta close your eyes and believe in that with all your heart
we all seemed pretty ok assuming he was reading it tho
why are you like this re: yuno
she's trying to be helpful
i know we were discussing timing so!!!
there were a lot of different timings so
oh my god notifs are back
also we need marinette in the strip search!
rolls back in. Ah I see we devolved to dicks again
also ty luke can add to the mine test summary if i missed something!
since he was the one floating around inside the zero g zone
also Jason don't suggest we shoot people someone might take that seriously
that's the idea
that sounds like the best idea
liz stop trying to die every trial
no actually jack brought up a good point!!!
im already dead irl i need to be dead in game
Shoot him. Put him out of his misery
can someone top level about the MOTIVE not the punishment?
"You will be permitted the ability to change one thing about your history should you kill and get away with it this week."
Ack I gotta comment on the stuff re: minakos sacrifice since luke has thoughts
Also ran did you want to post one room result and I'll do the other for clover and grell
Fuck mobile is slow. Of nobody else I can top level motive
hang on i thought someone killing would only stop THEIR greatest achievement from being erased, not everyone's?
-permitted the ability to change one thing about your history should you kill and get away with it this week. Should no one kill this week, every remaining player's greatest achievement in life will be undone.
yeah sure! I can do clover's
okay Im finally on my laptop so I'll do grell's and top-level the motive if that's okay?
comes back to read all of this
am I still stripping marinette are we still letting this happen
do we need an intervention to preserve adrien's purity
that mine test just is giving my a migraine
he stripped a corpse his purity is gone
>stop being jackasses
>luke and jason
its more. he has a SLIGHT BIAS and is doing it to hide marinette's magic talking pet lmao
i think we can agree that
adrien deserves to get to see an alive girl naked
if marinette is ok with it
be the unpopular opinion squad
sorry i didn't see you guys were responding to that thread
i may have messed something up with the patrols i need to edit that comment
sorry lmao i'm working it out with sipp
dorian had a morning mimosa, hes a little silly
wait guys for real though
it might be a big change...
nidorina: will you let me know when you're around because grell wants to ask clover a few minor questions
HERE I AM i might be slow responding but just point me where you need me
i just gotta figure out where she can approach clover first
false alarm or even worse alarm
neither really? i'm writing up a comment but
i just mixed up the order
pixelheart i put clover under the motive toplevel if you want grell to question her there!
Im so glad luke is interrogating these teenage girls and at the same time being like "holy fuck."
a 15 year old girl is god
and then he's like "
" at jack
i hope everyone is just sitting there thinking "i cant believe a fifteen year old is god"
well i sure picked a good time to wake up
luke's like "oh well that explains literally everything."
across the room everyone just goes quiet
that sounds completely normal, say the homestuck god tiers
what if what was burned wasn't clothes but instead like....something to choke someone out
you know you can just wet a cloth and hold it over someone's face to make them pass out
do we have the right chemicals anywhere on the ship to do that?
it's easier to choke someone out than smother them with a cloth i think
ALSO question for the mods i guess
there an hour where minako and machias would have been seen last?
since jason just asked this icly
thing about choking is what jack pointed out last week
maybe they were smothered with a pillow
though both of our victims were kids
and we have............god
and clover "axe happy" field
i dont think strength is a questionable factor here
machias's neck is too blown up to look for strangling marks too
any one of them could have enough muscle to stangle someone
yeah machias is too blown up to know if he had any pre-death injuries
the mod tags keep repeating that so
maybe its significant
can dorians neckromancy make him talk
i refuse to believe that's not a pun
none of the people on patrol would have seen machias!
im not a good punner unless its cats and adrien has that covered
it can but the only thing machias does is scream before the magic wears off
they would have just coincidentally missed everyone
would someone else on the ship have seen them before patrol?
but if they conveniently missed them that works too
there are like......19 people left lbr
i'm not sure about minako yet
but clover would have been the last person to see machias! i think their conversation was around 8, right?
minako is schrodinger's jesus
there anything that needs a top level right now? or any evidence that needs to be discussed more thoroughly
i'm still not sure what we think in terms of like
it sure seems like minako was planning to kill
so, what. minako corners machias, he shoots her in the hand to stop her from using her persona powers?
but then someone else gets involved?
on what side of her body is her holster
if she had to reach across her body she could have gotten shot in the hand and chest in one go
there's a couple of tings that haven't been investigated thoroughly yet!
assuming she wasn't already dead when she was shot
she could have been stabbed to death and then shot to make it seem like something happened between her and machias
machias shotgun was caught in the explosion
wasn't the bullet in minako caused by heat?
oh should i bring up the pictures of the scene again
minako in the room during the explosion somehow?
here's the airlock
it at all possible she was shot when machias' gun discharged and then moved?
can we maybe stick all the drawings under evidence so they're all together o:
standing or propped up against the door frame
when she was shot, right?
so the shotgun was confirmed with damage akin to a blast?
yeah sure haha who...wants to be the one who icly drew these.....
and minako was just like 5 feet tall right
so I think 5' would be her chest area?
yeah. so i think the splatter can't be from her being shot in the chest
the shotgun pellets didn't go through her chest
it's close range but apparently even a close range shotgun blast won't blow an actual hole in your chest
thanks kini for looking this up for me
the bullet/blood spray in the wall
...did she get blown up too wtf. or messiah backfired
that has to be from machias getting shot
no the pellets didn't go through his shoulder either
so what evidence haven't we looked at or have only looked at a bit
ok so the only thing the pellets went through that would leave blood
her hand doesn't have pellets in it, right?
Minako's wound looked like getting shot though. It was Machias's wound that came from exploding bullets
wait. machias' wound was from exploding bullets?
yes there aren't many pellets in her wrist! only a few are embedded in there, most of them went through
in that case, doesn't it have to be that machias didn't set off the proximity mine,
how would he have gotten shot through the shoulder
sizlaria: yeah he had his bullet pouch with him and they blew up from the head of the mine explosion
Luke and Jason tested that out yesterday
yes! luke and jason confirmed this with their test
that the heat from the explosion would have been enough to blow up the remaining shells in his pouch
the protag in p3 activates a persona by shooting themselves in the head
how did it go through the shoulder
The shotgun rounds explode when exposed to too much heat
right that's what i was suggesting
so if minako had her hand raised
Which is why he had that injury on his shoulder
she was shot through her hand when trying to use the evoker
machias wore his bullet pouch on his shoulder! they found leather from it embedded in there
machias had shotgun pellets in his shoulder pocket
ok. so machias: his ONLY injuries that we've found so far come from the proximity mine.
unless that was answered but luke's already going on another path with that
if that was answered then I won't have him bring it up
The bruise is ????? for now
We don't know what caused t
I might need a volunteer to get hit with something if sipp agrees
what if the killer betrayed michais after an accomplice kill? knocked out, turned the zero g on, ollies out
so yes. minako was shot trying to use her evoker
have you not learned your lesson
minako was the one planning to kill
thats what i was thinking earlier too
oh wait unless machias and minako were working together
and the killer was the target
and the killer overpowered BOTH of them>?
the killer would have had to get machias' shotgun
i have to run for a bit but
if someone wants a top level i think
minako getting shot in the hand by machias' shotgun while trying to use her evoker
isn't a bad jumping off point
ummmm did we ever find machias' shotgun btw
guys I have a question too
yeah it was floating with his body parts!
theory is the killer ditched it in there with him iirc
the shotgun wasn't damaged but it was unloaded
cappy how big exactly is the bruise on machias's back?
so it wasnt in the room when the explosion went off?
ALSO i don't think jason checked but if anyone does, it only takes 2 shells at a time
OH yes it was damaged by the explosion haha
The shotgun didn't have any obvious scorchmarks it just smelled like it was used more than 10 mins ago
i would suggest icly investigating the bruise, ty!
So maybe they tossed it in there
I didn't remember seeing that in the mod tag
ok so michais and shotgun were found exploded/damaged implying it was together in the room when explosion went off
no lmao that was my bad, it wouldn't have been in as bad condition as the body but it would have been clearly caught in the explosion
does somebody want to investigate the bruise/come investigate the bruise with luke real fast
raises hand unless you're sick of me
nah that's fine! I'm not sure who's around and if people are looking for places to hop in but
i wanna hop in but suspect
hi dear. can luke borrow marinette's yoyo?
yes but she needs to transform
go run to the bathroom marinette they'll pretend they saw nothing
everyone just turns around
HAHA okay lemme finish this thread with you real fast to get that and then mira grell can come with luke
so should I put up a toplevel for the minako got shot in the hand theory? and anything else that might need to be discussed?
yeah that would be great, thanks!
I'm closing up rn but if you need me give a shout I'm home in half an hour
i figured it out myself im dumb
i feel like we need a top level discussing the burnt fabric and one discussing the profile cards
this is why grell is looking at her notes immediately she's like okay
grell be the mom we deserve
im going to try and top level with the cloth thing but if you want grell to top level about profile cards that would be good i think?
you kids deserve a nonmurderous mom
its too late we're fresh out of decent adults
but I think those are also good ideas
i'm so glad SKILLS: ESPIONAGE is now a meme
we need to make a list of cradle memes
"let's just vote off judar"
mepreg has always been a meme
mpreg is definitely a meme
they didnt think about the baby
luke castellan doing dumb shit is a meme
someone should just edit luke's face into a jackass cap
luke "last living adult" castellan
"hey, i'm luke castellan, and this is jackass"
he proceeds to blow himself up
luke: what could go wrong
i need ty to put that in luke's profile
GOD look there is already so much okay
i love the always sunny generator im so glad
always sunny never lets us down
im laughing out loud i hate this
Im a serious rper who plays a serious character
luke's profile is a blessing
if your profile isn';t a shitpost are you really rping
I hate everyone in this game
mira consider: the bottom one on hiro's profile also works for luke
you're the one throwing you character at every opportunity to set fires given
"evidence I'm immortal: I have not died yet"
and the true hero of this game
the true hero of the great cradle prophecy
so I wonder if it would be possible to check how long it takes for the incinerator to cool down since it was still warm when adam found it
would that narrow down the timeline at all...
we know the gun was used MORE than ten minutes ago, when jason found it
so if we knew how long it takes for the incinerator to cool down, we might be able to gauge how much time the killer had to do their thing
if you want to burn something grell suggests her letter to macchiato since she was gonna burn it anyway
does anyone want to go do that
what is the point of leaving death letters to people who are already dead
burning something and then checking in every once in a while to see how long it takes to reach the temperature adam found is a good idea
who's around right now to run tests
i just want to run tests where liz gets hurt
faildere are adam and jason doing fabric tests?
jem what if liz is luke's choice for hitting with a yoyo
please don't hit liz with a yoyo
jason listen to your elders
and alright i'll toss a quick comment for fabric testing unless you want adam to do it?
dont worry he'll be gentle
also nowhere yet this might not even pan out, luke and grell are still testing things
honestly it doesn't hurt that much she hits adrien with it every other ep
don't hit liz with a yoyo???
stop doing cool experiments on saturdays before 6!! i want to get hurt
how big is the proximity mine btw
what if the killer just tossed the proximity mine at machias and knocked him out
THIS IS PROBABLY DUMB but maybe the proximity mine is what caused the bruising on Machias's back
yeah no I see where you're going with that sipp
rn it's about the size of a hand and vaguely ovular
faildere: im having jason compare the fabric to clothes + bandages from the medbay
there anything else we should check?
how about bed sheets since those are thin so can see if it's thicker or similar
depending on how this goes they should like
cut off some strips of fabric
just in case
r.i.p. everyone's wardrobe
adam can go next or we can get a mod tag and then adam?
we can get a mod tag first!
at this point i'm like was he KICKED
adam's turn! you can have him take the strips of clothing from the suspects/victims and burn them
if adam wants to come burn lmk and we can do a burning things test
burn machias' bandages too
he would but he can't leave luke alone so he's there in spirit
OKAY guys the killer and victim have given me permission to hint at what could have caused the bruising since it's something i don't think people will get without canon familiarity
it's a piece of evidence you've already found
all these killers being 2 nice
if we want to ask alice for something for a quick comparison can we handwave she gave it
unless it's an item from the suspects
Im googling something real fast
no it's not from the suspects
mira are you on the track Im on
okay so what are we burning and what else happened
burned clothes seem to be the closest match but they're all too similar to tell whose clothes it would be from
Also I wonder if Minako's missing diary is relevant to the trial.....
"dear diary I'm going to kill machias"
it is interesting that it's gone tho
Does anyone remember if it had a fabric cover or anything like that? Because I'm thinking what if she went downstairs to burn it out of heroic angst?
nope it was a spiral bound notebook
clover burned her fur bikini for funsies
yuno messed up her embroidery and was so ashamed she burned it after killing everybody
It's not like the killer could have gone into her room to steal it w/o the keycard right?
honestly we have too many suspects who can make clothes/pieces of fabric
marinette makes clothes, theres the embroidery stuff...
OH are we waiting on mira for the bruise tag or on a mod tag/
and that was not meant to be caps
Also has anyone tried smacking someone with the butt of the shotgun or something like that? Maybe someone pistol whipped machias
haha no prob! i was just worried you guys were waiting on me first
that's actually what grell and luke are looking at right now :')
please just keep abusing luke
he's valued for another couple of hours he'll be fine
it won't even be useful because he's immune so he won't bruise
why is marinette being so cute, this is gross
jason keeps doing it anyway
a murder trial in which we went to find machias's dick I guess.
i'm contributing nothing to this trial except for Marinette flirting w/ adrien
did machias' dick cause the bruise
did it hit him in the back
fyi luke's not giving back the yoyo for a while gomen
machias' dick was even bigger and harder than iron bull's
dorian went after the wrong dude
i cant believe luke is the new ladybug
time for him to dress up in a furry bugsuit
honestly yes someone has to take up the mantle now that bull's gone
everyone is too busy just
pretending to not notice adrien and marinette
marinette's "strip search" aka them just making out behind a blanket
just let them have their last five minutes of peace
before we execute marinette
how delicate is machias's skin is the real question here
he has the skin of a precious noble
obviously not as delicate as that arrogant fed with a silver-spoon stuck-up noble!
he's a commoner. he actually WORKS for those injuries
he's a noble but he's too class-tsundere to admit it
okay but how big is his dick
do you want me to answer that seriously
we don't need to talk about a 17 year old's dick
let me help
y'all need to check your injury privilege
and dick privilege too i guess
I pop in here to say I'll be out for a couple of hours and see this