okay what needs getting done?
we may extend since lack of notifs killed us yesterday
but let's try to get things moving anyway
i think we got a lot of activity for the notifs but lets go team
Comments for notifs! Good luck guys! Remember to vote for Jack
there was tape on the ceiling, right? was it the mine that was taped? Or do we not know?
i slides in for the notifs
slides for notifs too and I think we were working under the assumption the mine was taped since jason and luke kept taping mines to the ceiling and the results were the same as machias-salsa
i think it was the mine that was taped, yeah
so it had to have been a plan in advance...?
someone put the mine up there in advance.
i don't know. i'm still just really stuck on the other here.
let's focus on the bruise. have we made any headway on what caused it?
running theory right now is it may have been the butt of machias's gun. the shape and stuff matches p closely
but what about the middle part?? since his gun is smooth and machias has like a darker bruise part
what if the killer taped the mine on the ceiling, disarmed Machias, turned on the zero grav, and used the butt of his gun to like hit him in the back to send him careening towards the mine?
i think the problem with that is
we think machias was left on the ground, with the zero grav turned on -
it would take about a half hour for him to reach the mine,
which helped the killer get away
but it doesn't explain the blood on the door
the blood on the door was i think from
the other thing i was thinking, which is a little ot, what if the fabric was something that the killer used to secure themselves when the grav went up?
test the yoyo slams hands down
the blood was smeared on the door handle which indicates it was on the killer
like, the killer covered their face and then grabbed the scarf to come down, touched the console, and grabbed the door with bloody hands
so maybe the thing that was burned
since wouldn't you cover your face during an explosion
a glove or a hanky or something the killer used to clean blood off their hands?
you'd probably get blood on your hands
i can't remember if we clarified this in the incinerator thread
but there was a lot of ash in there
ok thanks cappy I was about to ask
so maybe they burned an entire outfit
but then wouldn't they be running back to their room naked.
it could be they were wearing gloves?
gloves makes sense if it'd make enough ash
there was a lot more ash than just gloves
it could have been something they wore over their clothes
here's what's confusing me
grell still going to test the incinerator cool down
and idk how to really get into this, i'm stumped, but like
yeah like a new outfit + gloves
if they burned the fabric i can say grell went back to check perodically
if they used the incinerator and not matches
yeah they used the incinerator, that works!
where did the third person come from
that's what i keep wondering too
i keep getting stuck on that
notifs comment ping me if you need clover anywhere
the assumption is that minako and machias were fighting but maybe the killer just staged that???? idk
that area of the ship is so out of the way with nothing fun unless you're clover and want to look at weird things
yeah. like i like the theory of like, an opportunist rather than accomplice but it also makes no sense bc like
who would be randomly walking around down there
clover was in fuel reserve but where was marinette patrolling around that time
on the second floor, in the med bay
yeah, with all the shotgun shells and stabbings, if there was someone being opportunistic they would've been hurt but we didn't find any injuries
like if there was someone RIGHT there
also opportunist might not have worked because don't you need to ask alice for a weapon for a specific person
so someone had to happen upon the scene after?
the mine HAD to have been set up in advance
its not exactly easy to get it up there, either, is it?
i think you'd have to turn on the zero g,
get it up there, and then get down and turn it off
idk luke just floated up there after jason turned on the zero g
and there are handholds on the sides of the room so you can make your way down
its not something you'd do if you just like
stumbled upon someone vulnerable wandering around
I thought we didn't have vulnerables anymore
and you could just ask for a weapon at any time
vulnerable to be being attacked
let us know if you guys need any clarification on specifically how the ic rules work
you have to specify a person to get a weapon, right?
so somebody went after at least one of the two kids
which lends creedence to the accomplice theory bc otherwise
how would they know the kids would even be down there
so if thinking about who would've gotten who down there at 1 am
okay god i really hate this theory but
im waiting with baited breath
what if someone was down there because they wanted to kill machias
there more to this theory...
that it. is that the whole theory
i mean that's all there is to it like
what if someone brought machias there and minako arrived third
it's either that or someone arrived after the fact
I think the other question is why the hell would MINAKO be down there
honestly her "I'm sorry" still is sitting with me too
i feel like minako either
like wtf is that about, have we talked about that icly
planned to kill or planned to die
actually what if that's it
what if machias and minako
sacrifice herself for machias's sake?
had some kind of arrangement
they tried to kill each other?
we've mentioned it a few times
all minako has to do in order to NOT have the world destroyed
SOMEONE has to die this week
so she agrees to let machias kill her
maybe like they had an arrangement and somebody walked in and misunderstood and killed the machias.
to try to get the other incentive, to rewind time
either someone misunderstood or someone found out,
and someone else was just down there popcorning and was like "well fuck you machias" anyway?
*machias why is "the" there
does someone want to talk about the bruising btw? are grell and luke still investigating that?
unless mira has something else to add based on the tag I added I think we might be done?
I think
lollerdash is right myself...someone decided to kill, for whatever reason, after minako died
because the motive this week had two parts to it
but my problem with that is that
that really a spur of the moment decision
maybe they wanted to see how the mine worked
"dudes dead so lets just try it anyway"
let's say the mine wasn't a spur of the moment decision, what does that mean
and what does it mean if it was
but don't they need to like, have a plan in mind and contact Alice with it to get the mine?
could it really have been done like?
also where would they have gotten the tape if they didnt have the mine planned
/sees machias shoot minako
did they leave to go get some duct tape
/gets mine from alice and tape it up there
so i wonder if someone could have like
found out about the plan?
they just killed machias in the airlock
and THEN got the mine and the tape
regarding the new vulnerable rules, it's pretty specific!
you can't get a tool after someone's dead
mods, would alice give you the weapon AFTER you killed someone?
you have to target someone specifically to get it
i think this goes back to where did the third person come from
so i wonder if the third person just
machias and minako were making out
about machias and minako's plan.
either that or minako's plan was with someone other than machias,
one of the girls got jelly that minako made machias holler louder in the middle of sex
and machias was the one to walk in on it
bc that still causes mine problems
bc it would have to be a mine for machias
unless the suicide pact was with the mine in the first place
i really don't think it's a suicide pact
and they were having last moments in the airlock
because alice would have stopped the plan
suicide is against the rules and I don't know if anybody--yeah
if their plan was to suicide pact wouldn't that technically be against the rules
it suicide when it's someone else killing you
does assisted suicide count as suicide?
maybe machias or minako was used as bait by the real killer?
if two players planned for one to be killed, and one to die at trial
would that be against the rules
the motive clearly meant a ton for minako
Even if Minako wanted to take one for the team, there's no way it'd be kosher for her to be like "hey machias, so I need you to shoot me, a lot"
can a victim volunteer to the killer to die
assisted suicide would not be allowed
so we are back to minako trying to kill
okay so...minako finds machias...where does the third person come in this time?
well how did minako get machias down there in the first place
so was it confirmed that the butt of guns had no blood or impact?
shotgun was smooth, right? what about the p3 gun
we can check the p3 gun too I guess while we're busy pushing machias's bruise
p3 gun and didnt clover have her gun?
yeah did anyone check out the tubocurarine gun during the strip search?
also doesn't marinette have
it was just grell asking about the injection, but i dont think the butt of the gun
no i guess only adrien can open it
no technically she can open it too
but she can't open his door
i hate to play the morality card but like unless this is an alien kill, it can't be marinette...and it seems like someone did this for the motive, right?
clover won't want to hand the gun over to anyone but she'll compare it to stuff herself under supervision
okay so far we've compared machias's gun and marinette's yoyo to machias's bruise
i think it seems clear SOMEONE did it for the motive
but i don't know that the person left after minako and machias died did
i wouldn't rule out aliens
we're due for an alien kill, it's been 4 weeks
maybe there aren't any more aliens
maybe it's all in our headas
yeah just to clarify the vulnerable rules! you have to tell alice who you
well i mean clover is a suspect she can't really say no to that
who you're targeting beforehand
are there any other items the culprits have that we should be testing?
before you can get a tool
and they need to still be alive
i guess she could but ppl could just take it from her
the intended target was minako and thats why the stab wounds
the killer had to make an effort to kill her
i don't know that's not a
and if the person you're targeting doesn't die you'll suffer consequences
fully formed theory but i guess
what if it was accidental?
the question is, was the mine requested for minako or machias.
caught a murder happen, and then, she completely accidentally kills someone {thinking hitting machias here and knocking him into the zero g room}
how do you accidentally explode a person
minako planned machias death
accidentally tapes machias to a mine oopsie
marinette catches machias
in that case we're killing jack
i think we would've heard hollering between rooms
i'm just picturing marinette shoving machias into a mine like 'oops my hand slipped' and laughing
yeah i can't really see marinette
not if something was wrapped around his throat where he couldn't yell
if she chased him from one room to another
what if the fabric was gagging machias so he didn't holler
accidentally blowing up machias and then like
the mine was on the ceiling tho, wasnt it?
why is there blood on the scarf
lots of blood in the middle of the scarf
what i was trying to say earlier......
and his head decapitated when he exploded?
machias was gagged with it and he had a nosebleed when marinette and minako were fighting over who got to explod ehim
yeah, that is awfully neat
im sorry i have nothing valuable to add
the knife strong enough to cut a dude's head
man we have what, like an hour
i posthumously volunteer luke
listen if marinette was going to hide an accidental murder she'd tell adrien probably
like, to sever a head is really hard
deboning a chicken is hard enough
why would he go behind the curtain
why aren't i up there then
can we maybe not stab luke in the head adrien told him that is hard
if Adrien is in on it, he'd be a suspect, too
yeah if he'd covered it up
We can't have accomplices that aren't on the suspect list
im saying i think if marinette was in her right mind and not like
adrien is on it, he's just dressed up as clover
clearly jack is just adrien in diguises
remember when clover had adrien wear heels
remember when clover liked adrien
aliens do also have tentacles, btw
you think a tentacle decapitated machias?
but wasn't there shrapnel in his neck and stuff
i'm not ruling out anyone being an alien oocly
im basically shitposting at this point but theyre theories
....okay Im kind of stumped like
but i dunno if thats the angle we should look at
if we're going to tentacles i have worse jokes to make
the butt of the gun is the size, the edge of marinette's yoyo could be part of the darker bruising
the killer probably burned a whole outfit
i was gonna scream where is ladybugs costume
do any of the other culprits have anything long that could leave a bruise?
how did machias get from point a to b. was he still alive when he was pulled into zero-g?
like did we ever clear Yuno...
lmao that's the thing if the killer burned an outfit it like, really can't be marinette
idk i feel like we shouldn't get hung up on stuff like alien vs non-alien or deets bc last week we got fucked up about the scorch marks
or did our killer drag him by the scarf
we havent really cleared anyone except
lets kind of exclude aliens atm
My question is about the blood trails, I didn't get to finish reading everything, is it like a tiny bit of accidental blood? or is it like 'i just dragged a person I shot and possibly stabbed a bunch' amount?
unless jack and marinette.............
i think jack is as close to clear as we can get
i don't really think it's jack but
like, do we know if both of them were killed in the same room or in two different rooms
why do we have a suspect with a solid alibi...
the blood trail is like heavy drips of blood!
i mean i don't think we can totally rule him out but it seems super unlikely
because my life is a spiralling abyss
they're giving us the chance to kill jack and we're not taking it
jack's alibi isn't that solid guys
theoretically it feels like he could slip down there
while being baby monitored
jack's alibi is that jason was babysitting him so it could've failed, yea
because jason sucks. i blame jason
the baby monitor always on?
also ladybug's costume is magic yeah she can't even take it off without detransforming
it's a walkie talkie so nah
it's literally stuck on her, someone tries to peel her mask off and can't
yeah. she can't change clothes and they would've noticed her detransformed bc she has a 24 hour limit
the walkie talkie wouldn't work if they were on different floors though
marinette says she saw jack at 11
okay, well, do jack, adelina, or yuno have any items worth testing for bruising?
though maybe she wore something over her ladybug outfit...?
doesnt the window start at 11
the walkie talkie only works on the same floor so if jack went to lower floor while JAson was in his room he'd have been unable to contact him i think
what would the point of wearing it over be tho? it magics away the blood
marinette checked to make sure jack was in his room once an hour btw
if the blood was on the outfit it'd be gone ya
i'm happy to extend but if you want to investigate something, i think you can just go for it!
she went at about 12:00 am and 1:00 am
thanks sipp that answers a question I had o7
we're at the point where we essentially have no running theories right...
and also 11ish but at the time he was with liz
well minako has a gun, jack doesnt have a gun anymore, adelina has a sword, and yuno has her sadness
i have none that work with ic knowledge
ah yeah the sadness left the bruise
uh should I bother topleveling about the bruise
how do swords work? can swords leave bruises? i honestly don't know, i mostly use swords to cut grass
think of the end of a baseball bat, depending on the hilt
cappy I'm leaving the testing thread open-ended in case they want to go back and test other objects but /waves hands
wakes back up have we executed all the supects yet
it was said the bruising was caused by evidence we already found yeah?
the big bruise was caused by the shotgun! that was what i was hinting at haha
ah! okay excellent thank you!
yeah guys i'm pretty sure fiona's solved it
fiona is the only sane one here
everyone just awkwardly coughs as they look at the voting list
i shouldn't agree to this for really obvious reasons,
this is fiona's one contribution to the trial
it's the most important contribution
one sec mobile is suffering
uhhh jack doesn't have one anymore
ohhh wait...what about his robotic hand...?
this is her sword! she keeps it sheathed
someone rip his arm off so we can test it
to speed this up do we have permission to say liz and luke gathered the items from the potential culprits to test out? jessie's taking care of clover
so I think it's just yuno's phone and addie's sword?
yuno's phone if anyone wants to test it
oh my god dorian im crying
"jessie is taking care of clover" the hardest job
look he has completely blocked any memory of jack being called handsome
what the fuck is fiona talking about
mods, can we get the evoker image?
i have the image, don't worry about it!
faildere adam checked the incinerator at 2:30, right?
i was asking because luke asked liz to grab the evoker from evidence to compare
...addie's sword is also a plausible match for the darker bruise
ok guys have we considered a dildo
should i top level about the incinerator
idk where you wanted to throw comparisons
yeah and maybe relink the timeline so we can start thinking about when it happened
but for serious do we know for sure the mine was Machias?
it could have been for minako
but i haven't thought of a good, like,
machias hollers enough for any mine, admittedly
REASON for it to be for her
machias screaming. an explosion. its all the same to me
but yeah ok so the fabric took 45 minutes to incinerate?
ohh the incinerator took 45 minutes to cool down
which means it was put in the incinerator at like. 1:45?
machias won't holler for just anyone!
yes he will dont even lie
yeah 1:45 seems about right
i'm not lying! he's very picky
the explosion went off at 2am yeah?
yes, it has to be someone with or without a pulse.
does alice even have a pulse
the amount of time it took for tied-up dummy to activate the mine
if our killer knew nobody would be down there at that hour they could have absolutely just left machias floating around there with enough time for their clothes to burn, etc, and for them to get back to their
so we're looking at someone who did it around ... 1AM, then? right?
evoker is clean, so is the injector gun
i think it has to be a little later than 1, right?
o wait nvm if the incinerator is
machias would have been ballooned and the clothes would have been burned at around 1:45
ok so looking over alibis:
at 1:45, adelina, clover and jack are alone in their rooms, jack being baby monitored.
marinette is on patrol on the upper floor, but separated from adrien and dorian
yuno's alibi is kind of weird, though
she leaves the viewport at "about 1:30" and then shows up at Grell's room "around 2"
she got to grell's room before 2 because 2 is when they go to bed
on the other hand, adelina or clover could easily be lying, or marinette could have slipped away
have we tested all the items?
btw guys we are extending the trial for one hour
so voting is due at 10PM EST
this is the only extension we're gonna give for this one though!
we've tested everything but, like, jack's hand
no prob! i know you guys haven't come to a conclusive decision yet so we wanna be fair
btw rune i edited to throw more shade at jessie
adelina and clover right now have giant chunks of time unaccounted for that are just "in my room sleeping"
oh i'll go edit, when I posted my tag it still showed the original content??? weird
you can't tell me to fix my tag and then reply to it?!
there anything we can luminol, i wonder...?
also i posted before you said you'd edit i deleted!!!
...maybe the knife in minako's hand?
since it appears to have been planted there?
but don't we know that has blood on it
the knife was bloody when they found it!
leave marinette's convenient plush / pet cat from a foreign country alone
sorry Im getting fingerprinting and luminol mixed up
oh someone else already said that
it might be toxic to bugs
lets luminol adrien's lips
what if luminol is toxic to tikki
i got beaten
what if you guys fucking kill tikki
what if tikki is toxic to luminol
let's luminol adrien's dick
(i was going to say dick but siz is better than i am)
we need to figure out that fabric
what if there's blood on it bc he smacked machias in the back with it
because? nothing is working for the bruise except the yoyo so far???
adrien's dick the murder weapon
my dick isnt on trial here
addie and marinette's weapons sort of match
yeah addie's sword hilt too
that just makes it worse!
it's not a perfect match for either tho
does someone want to announce those results btw?
so we have two girls that're both valued and both have weapons that would sort of match the bruising
there was damage on the shoulder, right?
Im working on adding an addendum to luke's original top-level!
yeah but we figured the shoulder out
I thought we figured out the shoulder
they're both plausible matches!
it was where machias had his bullet pouch
i was thinking what if addie cut machias's head off but
what about Clover's other weapons?
did you test minako's knife vs. the bruise
we still need to test the sword, too, right?
test if it chops through a head?
uh. how are we testing that
there that much blood in the anti-grav room before the gravity was turned back on?
as much blood as in machias' body
are we cutting off heads.
there was also a trail of blood leading to the machine
i thought that was all floating?
yes it was all floating haha
yeah i mean how much blood was never floated
other than the trail to the machine and whateve rwas on the machine
here's the pic
can i suggest minako's knife ic or does someone else wanna do it
if somebody wants to test the knife go ahead
I just added what we had with everybody's basic weapons (phone, clover's gun, the evoker, addie's sword, ladybug's yoyo)
I think dorian necromancy'd machias to walk to the zero g room and explode himself
goddamnit dorian /shakes fist
if you guys wanna test the knife just go for it!
yeah haha you don't have to suggest things icly at this point JUST GO FOR IT
yeah so the killer obviously got bloody
and yeah dorian is just necromancing everyone
wait did someone test the knife or shall I do so at, uh, somewhere
i had marinette suggest it but she's a suspect do GO TOTTY
ok tagged into the bruising findings thread
did anyone suggest the scarf being used to tie Machias's hand to the machine or something
i figured it was assumed since they tied the dummy and all
clover's extended list of weaponry lmfao
i think they tested for that didnt they ... with the dummy
hit a boy in the back with the handle of your meat cleaver
maybe the bruises were from the grav? like, the shotgun and whatever else fell on his back bc of the anti gravity
anti grav would make the bruises less dark, not more
yeah, one would assume it'd be a softer fall
can you actually get knocked out just from being hit in the back, though?
what if macchiato's throat was cut before he was floated
and that's why bloody scarf
what if it wasn't to knock him out but just disorient him though
what if minako was a machias beater
I could imagine he was cut too bc scarf
i don't want to waste luminol though
yeah we should think about the blood stains on the scarf
machias' throat is blown up though isn't it
yeah that's why it's a possibility but nothing can be confirmed
his neck is destroyed so we can't tell if he was strangled, throat cut, nothing happened....
what if that's why he was exploded?
because the wound would match a personal item, not the knife
should we risk the luminol
would a cut to the throat by the sword work..?
can we check clover's meat cleaver first
i think maybe we should risk the luminol
because the knife is obvious
why can't we water down the luminol and make two doses
give me a murder mystery logic check here,
if you cut someone's throat and then put on a scarf real quick (or did it through the scarf but no one saw a hole??) would it not spray blood everywhere?
depends on how tense the muscles are being clenched
since the never-floated blood in the anti-grav room was pretty minimal, right?
i've seen both the dramatic spray and a pouring down in fiction
and secretly stabbing someone in zero g seems like a fucking hassle
what about the trail of blood in the airlock room
no but that explains the blood on the console and everything
if he was stabbed before being taken into the zero g room
there would be blood all over the culprit from the sword
murder mystery magic will say no dramatic spray
if he was stabbed in the other room and then dragged over
which means somebody would have to be big enough
actually i don't even think the spray's a real ything
i'm going to be on mobile for a while so please ping me if you need me for anything!
i think that's just in the movies
which...means addie and jack are the closest in size
depends on if you hit the big artery or not i think
I think any of them could drag someone if adrenaline is going
becoming: im gonna ping you ahead of time because i swear to god
the other girls are short
clover is a foot shorter than machias
if we need a weight check grell's exactly machias' weight
I don't know if adrenaline can help that much
pinging me ahead of time defeats the point??
killed an alien with bull's ginormous axe
i think the dragging is less problem it's the 'could you reach to slit this throat'
maybe clover hooked the scythe into machias and dragged him
it would've gone through him
there would've been smear
maybe that's why he has no head.
she has a meat cleaver still tho
i mean. clover is bad at physics
like if we're looking for possible stabbing weapons it's not just adelina's sword
if we need a meat cleaver test somewhere just point me where
arent we attempting to cut off a head
there are lots of stabbing weapons, including the one we know has been used on the scene
no i don't think a head was severed
stabbing isn't the same as slicing
also could clover even reach
she wears heels doesnt she
she's under five feet tall i though
the heels'll bring her to like an even 5'
I think the important thing to remember
stab him in the leg to get him down
that cleaving a body still takes time
ask machias nicely to bend down
and we're kind of looking at a half hour for the entire scenario? I think? maybe idk
i think that slitting the throat >>> removing a head
if there's already an injury, close enough from the shoulder, the force would detach it
OKAY...so it wasn't the cleaver
yeah, obscuring the evidence
i can't believe jack's going to get away with it because no one thought to rip off his robot arm
what if machias was hit in the back enough so he'd bend, somebody could slash his throat, and then kill him
consider the force of impact
unless you were coming from aboe wouldn't he just fall forward, not down?
if you're behind and he falls forward you could bring a hand up to slit his throat when he's close enough, no?
I might be imagining this wrong
how long are we extending for?
think you'd need two people
Okay, but...mods, was the scarf stabbed through? Can we check for that, or is that a waste of time?
i'm p sure if it was stabbed it would have been mentioned when jessie found it?
adam examined it and there was no hole, just stretching
yeah, wasn't it specifically stated to not have holes
stretched, like it'd been used to tie something
like a body
it wasn't stabbed through!
use the scarf to drag a man
then how did the blood get there...
someone had to end up covered in some
what if that's what was used to wipe the blood off the evoker
or is there too much blood for that
a really bad machias body
there's also drops of blood at the end that wasn't tied
whatever was burnt, why not that be whatever was used to wipe the evoker
and presumably the killer's hands so that blood didn't get all over their door like it did in the zero g room
thats what i thought but i figured id question the scarf since we're still trying to figure out the scarf
i thoguht the scarf was p straightforward?
yeah i think the throat was cut
after getting his throat sliced, the scarf was tightened to soak up the blood
but the question is if it was cut with the knife or the sword
and at some point it was attached to the zero g controls
i sort of think knife tbh
bc otherwise where did it come from
and it explains the stab wounds on minako
the killer wanted to show the knife had been used
so we wouldn't question why it was there
a sword is also a lot more unwieldly to cut someone's throat with
what if machias was tied by the neck to the console with the scarf...
and taht's why the blood is everywhere
yeah but adelina knows how to use her sword
let's assume the bruise thing is right and its marinette or adelina. what is something that could narrow things down between them.
can we have it confirmed icly that ladybug's suit wouldn't get blood on it?
i think the fact that clothes were burned might point to Adelina, right?
the fabric maybe if we could figure out the point of it? do we think it could've been burned before anyone set out to murder and if so what related thing would anyone need to burn pre-murdering
this was my thought
sorry if this has come up i haven't been around
right. because we've been told here that ladybug's suit wouldn't get blood on it
but i'd want that confirmed
bc if so why would she need the fabric
time to throw blood at ladybug
who....volunteers to bleed all over lady bug.....
i'll do it because grell doesn't care
can't we throw like ketchup tho
vomit acid on her does that count
yes let's throw ketchup on her
lack of alibi, swordsmanship, tying to fabrics - adelina has a lot pointing against her....
im gonna kill adelina myself tbh
both versions ain't bad for adelina its true
but also dont bleed on ladybug wtf
someone ask alice for a bucket of pig's blood
adrien is not bleeding on her tho ok
who has a knife or does grell have to do this herself
adrien is going to cut his wrists to prove her innocence tbh
she would protest to people actually like
grell is gonna get carrie'd
what if it was jack or judar
oh my god you guys act like it's SUCH A BIG DEAL
what do you guys not get about furries
make a tiny nick on herself
and then see if the blood sticks
she would take arbok spitting venom on her over someone actually hurting themselves for this
she'll have to detransform for the test i guess/
no we want to see the ladybug suit
it would show on the suit but it'd disappear with the suit
isnt that what we're testing?
but i don't know that marinette would consent to de-transforming bc then she wouldn't be able to transform back in case something happens
yeah then marinette's clear because she didn't detransform by the time she saw adiren
yeah but marinette was still ladybug after 2:00 am
so we're..at...adelina????
it that i badly explained the suit earlier thats what i meant by the blood not showing lmao
let's all just do write-in votes for adrien
we might need a new plurk
team rocket blasting off again...
i thought you were saying it wouldn't show blood
i can put up a new plurk!
no they've had stuff stuck to their suit before (not for long because. Animation Budget)
but its gone once they transform back
it wouldve shown blood on her suit yea
ahhhhh okay I misunderstood too
or maybe she just wiped it off for the animation budget YOU DON'T KNOW