8 years ago
I seriously thought I had seen and heard nearly everything I could at work... Retail photo shenanigans ahead!
latest #14
8 years ago
I've seen ultrasounds, been in a front row seat during a birth, done the month-to-month updates, gone to the first day of school, done all the school events and activities, the summer camps, the road trips...
8 years ago
The graduations, the college years, the first 'official' introduction to alcohol, the weddings, the new cycle of life, the funerals... You get the gist.
8 years ago
Then I get to see the hot-tub orgies, the calorie burning bedroom sessions, the pictures that would be fantastic in an anatomy textbook, the... well, I'm asexual, didn't need to see any of that thanks!
8 years ago
I've also had police investigation photos! That was actually pretty awesome.
8 years ago
So yesterday I got off lunch and caught the tail end of a phone conversation my coworker was wrapping up, which left me a little puzzled until he hung up. He'd been explaining to a person wishing to print
8 years ago
BLACKMAIL photos of a girlfriend that we did not print or sell explicit photos. He politely suggested buying a home printer and listed off the various options.
8 years ago
When the same person called back not even two minutes later, I was not so polite since it seemed the person just wanted to grill me on our print policy to try and find a verbal loophole.
8 years ago
'How do you define decent?' 'So if I can do something on the street and avoid getting arrested...' 'I didn't even say what kinds of pictures they were how do you know they violate your policy?'
8 years ago
I put them on hold-hell and let management know they would possibly be passed either a troll or a blackmailer very shortly.
8 years ago
I was VERY tempted to risk my job by telling the caller that I had their caller ID and that as a woman with a history of abuse, I was tempted to write down that little bit of info. For blackmail, of course.
8 years ago
oh my gosh what is wrong with some people
8 years ago
why would anyone ever
8 years ago
8 years ago
Oh, wait... Walmart.
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