8 years ago
DWRP survey: Doing some filter analysis at the moment and there are some interesting differences between age groups...
latest #319
8 years ago
Such as media that different age groups play from.
8 years ago
And activity check preferences.
8 years ago
these are interesting
8 years ago
8 years ago
pffft and yet it seems like it would make sense?
8 years ago
The older of us always reminisce that we had more time--looks like that's still the case for people who are younger!
This makes a lot of sense haha
8 years ago
honestly it still baffles me that I'm part of the "younger crowd" despite doing dwrp for the better part of the last 10 years, like. dang, I started this young
8 years ago
(like i'm still in the "under 25" crowd, goddamn)
8 years ago
Meanwhile I'm part of the older crowd but only joined a couple of years ago, so I guess there's those of us who don't fit the mould you'd expect, too.
go тo вread
8 years ago
auste ★
8 years ago
The AC preferences really do make sense and I'm seeing some patterns in the media graph
auste ★
8 years ago
This is so cool man You make me suddenly miss all the research I did in undergrad
8 years ago
If anyone is interested to see the raw data these graphs are based on, I've now uploaded the filtered data to Dropbox
8 years ago
There are six categories: activity preference, age group, no. of games playing in, media preference, ships and years played.
8 years ago
You can compare them all in the "DWRP survey filtered answers" spreadsheet. I'm still working through it to generate more graphs!
8 years ago
AC preferences definitely make sense
8 years ago
the older you get. the less time there is for activity XD
big woop
8 years ago
I think it's interesting that for AC preferences, "5 comments" is consistently less popular than both "check in only" and "10 comments" across age groups
Darth Imperious
8 years ago
I'm a bit 'who in their right mind wants AC to be 30+ comments?!'. Not that I'm not capable of churning that much out in an afternoon if I and my RP partner(s) has the time, but that's unreasonable.
Darth Imperious
8 years ago
Particularly if someone has multiple characters they need to get AC on.
big woop
8 years ago
I don't remember if I actually saw the survey itself, was there options for AC models that weren't just a set number of comments?
Darth Imperious
8 years ago
...And now, due to tired, I'm a bit 'has? have? Which is correct?' I was on the moon with Steve!
8 years ago
bramblepatch: There was a question about what people wanted to provide for activity check e.g. comment threads vs post required.
8 years ago
But I felt it was easier to measure amount of overall activity that people expect by asking about comment count.
8 years ago
The respondents who prefer 30+ comments for AC are an interesting bunch. For instance, out of the six filters I applied, they are the least likely to play in memes or dressing rooms.
8 years ago
And the least likely to play original characters.
8 years ago
They're the most likely to learn about a new game via an advert on rpanons or discussion on an anon community.
8 years ago
And the most likely to prefer a mandatory HMD.
big woop
8 years ago
big woop
8 years ago
that sounds like a really intense playstyle
Darth Imperious
8 years ago
Mandatory HMDs are a real fast way to get me to not give a game a second look. 1. I'll decide what I post to my chars' journals. 2. Way too many people use them as excuses to be complete and total assholes--
Darth Imperious
8 years ago
for me to want anything to do with them.
8 years ago
I would characterize that group as more serious, active game players.
8 years ago
Compared to the respondents who prefer no AC or check-in only, who seem to prefer a more casual play style overall.
big woop
8 years ago
it's definitely a combination of preferences that values accountability over ooc socialization
big woop
8 years ago
which would stress me the hell out, but I guess if it works for them
8 years ago
On another note, the group least likely to prefer a mandatory HMD are those over 35.
Funny, all of the above apply to me except the 30 comments AC requitement
8 years ago
The over-35 group in general seem to be more conflict-averse.
8 years ago
More fun facts over here!
8 years ago
That post is very much a work-in-progress, so I have disabled comments for now.
8 years ago
Hope to get a more detailed analysis done in the coming week.
8 years ago
on my end, i've always wanted to do a full-on study about the reception of OCs in DWRP
8 years ago
and what factors play into said reception
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ was
8 years ago
going to do it for my MA thesis, but i'm on indefinite leave from completing my thesis there now
8 years ago
I like that players over 35 are the least likely to play m/mand f/f, so I guess the other old folks like me prefer m/f
8 years ago
it's also interesting that the older people get, the less likely they are to prefer anime/manga or video games and the older people get, the more likely they are to prefer LA
8 years ago
interesting when all the older RPers I know play from video game canons
8 years ago
OCs look like the one media category that's relatively equal across all age ranges
Cute Quinn
8 years ago
This data makes a lot of sense to me
Cute Quinn
8 years ago
30+ and I prefer less HMD pressure and lower AC requirements
Cute Quinn
8 years ago
because I already spend 40 hours a week at a job where my performance is closely scrutinized
Cute Quinn
8 years ago
I just want to have some fun on the internet
( lan wangji )
8 years ago
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
I wonder if the folks who want 30+ comments and structured games tend to be more A-type irl, and that kind of driven, mandatory activity just makes sense to them.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
And whether they tend to play more games/characters at the same time or fewer.
8 years ago
For the record? I'm one of the 30+ comments people, and I'm hella not A-type. for me it's a speed thing.
8 years ago
I don't do well with super-slow games. I prefer to sit down, do some threading, and have it done.
8 years ago
however, it's because of how I started in RP.
8 years ago
So I'm probably spiders georg or something.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
/chinhands; I used to be a much faster/more prolific tagger but was never A-type, and rl has increased over the years
8 years ago
I just like to sit down and go 'ok, tagging now, let's do a thing', and have the thing done, and move on to another thing.
8 years ago
It might be a couple days before I can get back to the another thing, but that's just me.
8 years ago
I think some of it for me is my ADD. I literally lose the plot of things that go on too long.
Tad Cooper
8 years ago
I used to be faster back in the dark days of GJ, but I was so much younger then with less responsibilities.
8 years ago
Yeah, same. Back on LJ when I was in college and could get away with staying up all night, I could tag a LOT faster, but now that I'm older with a full time job and my brain is asleep by 9 whatever the rest
8 years ago
of me is doing, I stick with PSLs that don't care if I can't tag for a week
Tad Cooper
8 years ago
Anon groups picking people apart for favoritism changed the way I tag years ago, too. I usually do tags in order - which means I won't necessarily be tagging when the other person is.
Tad Cooper
8 years ago
Because heaven forbid we prioritize things.
Luke Skywanker
8 years ago
Man, I wish I'd seen this earlier to have taken part...
Tad Cooper
8 years ago
Same, I didn't realize it was ending because I was busy.
8 years ago
Anon shit has done so much to rip apart RP, I think. But I just... don't like callout culture in general.
8 years ago
No wonder I have problems here, if the dedicated players are also the most likely to wank.
8 years ago
Criticism is one (important) thing, but bullying is quite another.
8 years ago
Not all the dedicated players are likely to wank.
8 years ago
The group I play in mostly can't stand anon.
Luke Skywanker
8 years ago
I'm not sure how dedicated=wank, tbh. Or I guess... I guess I'd need to know what "dedication" meant in this context.
Spooky Thoughts
8 years ago
Interestingly, I find games that require HMD's that I have been in (several) tend to scare off people who cause a problem. Largely, they're entirely empty and never used. The principle is enough
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
^Same. Particularly when mods are clear about letting players know the difference between crit and attacks, and what kind of behavior is acceptable toward their castmates.
Be Maki-Mine🍁
8 years ago
I would give up a great deal if I could go back and have mods who clarified acceptable castmate treatment haha
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
man im like.. late 20s and i definitely have way less time to tag than i did 10 years ago but it's not even like i'm definitively less busy
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
i'm self employed and my self imposed schedule is pretty forgiving
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
i just LACK THE VIGOUR OF YOUTH, i guess
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
8 years ago
I'm only 21, and I can tell you I had more tagging energy 5 years ago when I juggled 4 characters in Luceti.
25, unemployed but for the LIFE OF ME I CANNOT figure out why some would want 30 tags for AC.
I do other stuff than write ya know.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
hahaha, yeah ,
This is RP, not nano.
8 years ago
i've done 20 but that was when i was a teenager |D
8 years ago
man, i feel old
8 years ago
Because I want to RP, not hang out and discuss hypotheticals under the pretense of RP.
8 years ago
And do so all month, not just at the last minute.
8 years ago
i had 5 characters in one game before. i can barely do one now (LOL)
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Maybe also a lot of us (in every age group) are just tired because the past few years have been draining on a global scale irl. More apocalypse irl = less incentive for apocalyptic rp in our downtime. XD;
8 years ago
I'm actually more surprised that so many over 35 play from anime/manga, since in normal animanga fandom that age range seems to be very underrepresented
8 years ago
(normal speak non-RP)
8 years ago
infiniteviking: That I can see as a factor. DWRP does seem to have a default tone of hopelessness.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
i've definitely gained less and less patience for, like
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
Jamjar Hopelessness
https://www.plurk.com/cy... There's plenty of old anime/manga fans. Just ya know, you don't have to be the exact age with that character to like them.
8 years ago
as a 35+ bracket peep I think that the anime/manga is easier to get into because it's more of a at your own pace medium and we also have the means to pay for services to get it
8 years ago
I know they would exist, they've just never been in the places where I hung out! guess I've been in the wrong places
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
i think some of the age gap with anime/manga is prob because for Todays Youth its much more accessible? whereas like when i was 20 if you wanted to watch naruto or whatever you had to download all the
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
individual episodes off of limewire or whatever
8 years ago
like most of us tend to having steady incomes
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
so obviously folks were into nonetheless it but it wasnt as easy
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
8 years ago
clearly a lot of us anime RPs are lying or don't talk about our age
8 years ago
sailor moon on VHS tapes
8 years ago
Yu Yu Hakusho on Laser Disk
I'm 25, but I know that struggle. 140p YOUTUBE CHOPPED INTO 15+ pieces.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
altho i mean that said, i was super into anime when i was in my early 20s and now im not, but thats in significant part for the same reason i have less time for RP
8 years ago
yeah it was a pain :-(
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
my attention span has gotten worse
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
and i no longer have it in me to watch a lot of stuff with subtitles
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
because ill zone out and miss stuff.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Yeah, Pteryx, I've bypassed a lot of post-apocalypse/horror jamjars because of that. But then I started in upbeat canon-fusion games on LJ.
8 years ago
cue the youth of today don't know how good they have it them and their whining about not getting HD(LOL)
Having to deal with shitty dubs because the original Japanese isn't assessble.
8 years ago
yeah HD ? does it play and not shutter is my standard
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
And I've turned to books for that reason, ormery: I can canon-review a book faster than I can freeze-frame fifty hours of video. XD
8 years ago
ahh, i remember the shitty Card Captor Sakura english dub
Then seeing decent to legit dubs and the babies complain about that and THEY DIDN'T live through 4kids or chopped up mangled things.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
cynicalharlequin man I remember watching Real Ghostbusters on youtube: dialup, half an hour's loading time to watch a third of the episode IF nobody picked up the phone.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
infiniteviking hahaha yeahhh
8 years ago
4kids pokemon dub
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
thanks books
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
books and cartoons that are 10 minutes long and in english
8 years ago
I still have my fandubbed sailor moon which were better then the 4kids stuff
8 years ago
thank viz for the redub
Also there's the matter of manga and you can get that anywhere these days printed in the correct way with a good translation.
8 years ago
pashchan chopped into 15+ pieces and 7/15 has been removed for copyright violation
8 years ago
infiniteviking: Trouble is, even a lot of games that aren't post-apoc or horror seem to default to hopelessness. Horror just happens to cut with the grain of jamjar defaults.
8 years ago
god i can't stand the translation minusha wars on manga and anime sometimes
Having to catch that episode as QUICKLY AS YOU CAN BEFORE YOUTUBE TAKES IT DOWN.
8 years ago
That was how I watched most of Kyou Karah Maoh. I think that's why I'm enjoying the original Doctor Who. Old anime has trained me to read synopses for shows that are half missing XD
These kids DO NOT KNOW.
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Pteryx Yes -- all the "you are trapped here with no way out and the conditions here are lawless/dehumanizing and there's no escape from the traumatic, disruptive events".
8 years ago
and if you had dailup for a connection it was worse
So yeah, the majority of people that pay for their animu are at least 25+ BECAUSE THEY KNOW THE STRUGGLE.
8 years ago
waiting half an hour for the youtube to load
And when I can, I will pay for my stuff too.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Characters inclined to want hope lose it pretty quickly in a lot of those settings.
This is legit why I cannot read manga online. Because I buy mine in physical form.
8 years ago
"And your character is only allowed to make tiny incremental progress towards solving any problems when the mods say so."
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
8 years ago
also pirate manga sites take to long to load
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Strong worldbuilding with an actively moving plot that the characters can proactively affect tends to help.
8 years ago
I'm still keeping up with exactly one current manga /old
8 years ago
and I will buy it if they ever actually get around to releasing the damn official translation
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
yeah, and then on top of the fact that the setting is inherently hopeless a lot of the time
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
characters who stay in a game for a long time end up having to deal with people theyve gotten attached to just
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
when other players inevitably drop
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
it kind of wears down on u after a while
8 years ago
god, yes, losing CR is the hardest thing for me and the biggest reason I can't do games anymore
8 years ago
because I don't tend to play characters that really move on from losing important people
8 years ago
all of these are the reasons I miss Milliways (or, rather, the Milliways of the mid-to-late-90s) but I'm also one of the few people left who prefers slice-of-life instead of plot-driven
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
yeah, that stuff's really hard
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
this is why i really like AU games, honestly?
8 years ago
...ahah, no, early to mid aughts
8 years ago
I can time!
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
That's been a big continuity/characterization problem for as long as I've RPd. There's ALWAYS rl and characters always drop, but closure is difficult when it happens again and again.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
nobody has to be trapped and if you drop a character you can like. just write them out of being involved?
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
have other characters continue to keep in touch with them off screen?
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
a while back i played a character who had like a group of teens who kind of emotionally relied on her and eventually had to drop her and like... thank god it was an AU game, because i could just
8 years ago
DryadGurrl: Funny thing is, there seem to be some people who say they want plot-driven but really want slice-of-life. I don't understand that.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
have her have to move to a different job and the kids kept in touch with her and visited her sometimes
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
like they were sad she wasnt as close at hand any more but it wasnt like WHOOPS THERE SHE GOES
8 years ago
I was never a fan of mandatory, game-wide plots, which is why I can't get into most games these days
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Back when I was helping out in grid_lined, we tried some ways of having characters still connected to their origin universes and asked players to provide an IC explanation for where their characters went
8 years ago
(I'm also the one who haaaates mandatory AC too, it's supposed to be fun, not a job, but that's a personal rant)
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
when they left, other than "they're just gone/the Portal got them" so their CR could at least know what happened to them and all that threading with them wasn't just suddenly irrelevant.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
There's no easy answer but it's something to think about when creating game mechanics.
8 years ago
See, a plot is something I actually like to have, but it seems like some games just advertise having plots because it's trendy.
8 years ago
Then there are the games with plots that move slower than the naked eye so they may as well not even be there anyway.
8 years ago
I don't want to be left wondering why my character is just sitting around texting.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
As human beings, we seek closure. Having people drop out of your life without explanation, in frightening or mysterious ways, is disheartening. Especially people we're close to.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Over time, characters' attitudes and interactions are affected by living in a world where that's a constant reality.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
That's why I liked the canon-fusion game style -- your character was written into the game's world and was at home there, and didn't ~vanish into the cosmos~ on dropping.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
(Also I always loved the challenge of adapting a character from one canon to another while keeping the characterization constant.)
8 years ago
Canon-fusion is apparently before my time, though seems self-explanatory.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Yeah, I hardly see it anymore.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
The biggest one I was in was a Harry Potter game -- multifandom, but your character had to be written into the wizarding world.
8 years ago
Ah. Thought that was just AU.
8 years ago
Never heard of AU referred to by that name.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Yeah, terminology changes.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
This was mid-2000s; I don't even remember what we called it.
8 years ago
The name "canon fusion" makes me think of a mashup of two or three specific canons.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
I think fusion does mean that also, if it still means the other thing (I'm not sure).
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
I predate "CRAU" and "canon OC" and a lot of terms. XDDD
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Back in my day, gen meant no relationships ever mentioned AT ALL, not just "well it's not the focus but they're totally a couple" like it does now. XDDDD
8 years ago
What you describe I've always heard referred to as an AU game, and I've been around since 2011. Though that's only one type of AU game, the other kind being based on an original setting.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
You may well be right!
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
I associated the term more with the original-setting ones, of which I see a lot more now than canon-setting ones.
8 years ago
But yeah, terminology does change so it might well have been as you say in the 00s.
8 years ago
I've watched "mun/muse" fade away over time too, and it seemed vestigial even back when I came in.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Yeah, those seem to have gone the way of dear_mun.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
yeah, ive never heard canon fusion before, just AU
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Everyone used to use asterisks for action tags, too, and suddenly in the late '00s they became gauche for some reason and there was a mass switch to brackets.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
and, yea, ive been up in this business since like 2005
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Like I say, I may well be misremembering that one. XD
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
I just don't remember calling the canon-setting games AU games.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
i ran a canon-setting AU game in like 2009/10 and we never called it anything except AU
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
I'd have associated AU more with, for example, a single-fandom game where that canon was AUed into something else -- like a Naruto game set in space but with only Naruto characters.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
but, i mean
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
i think further back the Rp Community was less monolothic though
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
^Yeah, that too.
Hooded Figure
8 years ago
Average games now are incredibly sophisticated compared to back then.
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
like these days basically everyone uses more or less the same terminology
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
lmfao fuck yeah i was in a lot of single fandom AU naruto games,
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
back in the day
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
i kind of miss that stuff honestly
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
single fandom stuff was a good time
8 years ago
I feel my tastes don't fit with the overall DWRP monolith's tastes, so I'm currently trying to figure out how to move on. Really, my even wanting to play a canon character is an aberration for me.
8 years ago
OCs are more accepted at some games than others.
8 years ago
Mm, just that it doesn't seem worth trying to play an OC in this community because I think I want something other than what this community prefers overall out of RP.
8 years ago
If I liked DWRP norms, that'd be a whole other thing.
8 years ago
When I say "move on" I mean moving on from DWRP and finding some community I'm a better fit for.
8 years ago
8 years ago
Well, I wish you all the best in your search!
8 years ago
{Thank you.}
Luke Skywanker
8 years ago
I think a lot depends on format. Platform, I mean. RP was different when I started because we were emailing. Then it was forums. Then LJ. Now tumblr--which I still don't understand rping in.
Luke Skywanker
8 years ago
But just as it has changed how fandom itself works, it changes what sort of games get popular simply because, say, communities like LJ/DW lend themselves to "network style" RP.
Luke Skywanker
8 years ago
That was not a thing when I was forum rping
Luke Skywanker
8 years ago
And now it's ubiquitous.
8 years ago
Platform/format is definitely a thing that changes how non-fandom RP plays out too.
8 years ago
I'm still lost at Tumblr RP itself, because nothing stays consistent on there. After some time, you can't go back to read your older stuff
8 years ago
as someone who likes to go back and read older things I've written for nostalgia or to see how far I've gone since writing a certain way
8 years ago
silentdrifterz: Mm, I like reading old stuff myself. That's definitely one thing I see as a core advantage of online RP in general, so it irritates me deeply when a format doesn't allow for it.
8 years ago
So, in turn, I do see that as one of DWRP's strengths.
8 years ago
I'm sure if someone told me what exactly is the benefit of RPing on Tumblr, I might understand better
8 years ago
because it is, it....looks like a disorganized mess, and I've tried it once a while ago out of curiosity to see how it worked
8 years ago
Another is that despite a minority of people getting self-conscious or anxious over tag length, by and large DWRPers do subscribe to making tags as long or short as they need to be.
Luke Skywanker
8 years ago
When it works, I still do think DWRP works pretty well. In some ways I like it better than forums, in some ways, not. But like, I just don't see where else RP lives these days.
8 years ago
they steal icons from LJ/DW and most of them never even credit the makers
8 years ago
ahahah yes, I've had several of my own icons taken
8 years ago
other reason why I'm a little miffed by Tumblr RP
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
i mean, tbf, dwrp is rife with people making icons out of fanart and not crediting the artists
8 years ago
It seems like a major trendy spot for tabletop RP nowadays is Roll20, but I'm not comfortable with Roll20's terms of service.
8 years ago
Though from my understanding, most times the Rpers on tumblr just google the character and it pops up from there
8 years ago
so they never actually go directly to the DW player
8 years ago
The TOS on Roll20 is never enforced, from what I've seen, but I could be wrong.
8 years ago
ArtWildentanzen: Which just leaves me nervous. When's the trap going to snap shut?
8 years ago
I'd be less nervous if it read like a throwaway boilerplate disclaimer, but the bits that leave me nervous read as a stronger stance than that.
thirty sickos.
8 years ago
what is the tos for it?
8 years ago
I'd look it up again, but part of the terms state that if you don't agree to the terms you're not allowed to access the site at all.
8 years ago
(Instead of, y'know, not being allowed to have an account, which would be reasonable.)
8 years ago
But what I recall reading involved some pretty strong, repetitive, and paranoid "NO COPYRIGHTED ANYTHING" statements like they're afraid people would turn it into a warez site.
8 years ago
And makes me feel like there'd be a real risk of arbitrary enforcement for using the wrong image search result.
8 years ago
I use images others have produced on roll20 and I've never had an issue. I edit them, admittedly, but still.
8 years ago
Spambots found us.
Darth Imperious
8 years ago
Yup. I've already reported and blocked it. (Now for everybody else to do the same so it'll go byebye.)
8 years ago
But yeah, if they don't mean that aspect of the ToS they should just have it be a "yeah, yeah, we're obligated to say this part, moving on" sort of thing.
8 years ago
The difference in this case from typical ToSes was pretty striking.
8 years ago
I already have to worry about invisible minefield social situations. Do I really have to also accept a gun being pointed at me on reassurances it's just loaded with blanks?
8 years ago
But more on topic again, it is striking how much of a different branch of RP from my usual DWRP is. It often seems like DWRPers are barely aware that RP that isn't fandom RP even exists.
8 years ago
Overlap clearly exists, but does seem to be the minority of cases.
8 years ago
Shame the survey didn't touch on non-DWRP experience. That might've been an interesting factor to compare against.
Luke Skywanker
8 years ago
Pteryx: ... I'm unaware of that! as someone who's been rping since the early 90s, idk what non fandom RP would be!
8 years ago
Tabletop is a good example!
8 years ago
Like Dungeons and Dragons or Shadowrun, to name two popular systems.
8 years ago
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
wolf RP
8 years ago
^ XD was gonna say, I'm most familiar with original rp through stuff like Neopets and Gaia and those
8 years ago
I know it surely exists elsewhere but
🐅 its harry
8 years ago
also i guess like, im a big furry and i know a lot of furries do a lot of roleplay with their OCs
8 years ago
Mmhmm, that too.
8 years ago
I started off RP in non-fandom message boards and I'm sure that still exists but....idk where to find it anymore. I think I found all my message boards through Neopets.
Luke Skywanker
8 years ago
oh, I've done those things, just not online
8 years ago
There's definitely plenty of tabletop roleplay over forums or chat clients out there
8 years ago
I mean games tend not to last long in forum format with randos but
8 years ago
It's there
8 years ago
RP happens on MMOs and their direct ancestors, MUDs. And there's another branch off of MUDs (MUSHes, MUCKS, etc.) that generally tosses the "MMOish" qualities and just focuses on RP.
8 years ago
I've never gotten to do LARP or tabletop since I live in places where fnding other nerds is hard, but I've been there for PBeM, message board, MMOs, LJ/DW, Tumblr evolution, with a little chat thrown in
8 years ago
I used to RP on IRC a lot, whether freeform, with tabletop systems, or with made-up systems or partial systems.
8 years ago
I find it helps you gain perspective, since every place has different social norms. like when I played message board, people looked down on playing fandom characters like they do here on OCs
8 years ago
oh yes, IRC! I never did much of that myself since I don't like chat formats except for one-on-one,but that was a big thing, yeah
8 years ago
I miss it, personally.
8 years ago
I've tried to find it again, but IRC generally has receded a lot...
8 years ago
yea,it has.
8 years ago
Technically I still play off of one person there, but I live with him.
8 years ago
though I feel like chat RP must still be happening someplace Discord maybe? since it's geared towards gamers
8 years ago
Roll20 dot net is a dedicated play by chat platform I use for a couple games a week
8 years ago
Also, expectations of playing an OC on DWRP are very specific in a way playing an OC in OC-oriented communities isn't.
8 years ago
It just got an official sponsorship from Wizards of the Coast (D&D guys)
8 years ago
A DWRP OC is specifically a character pulled from an original "fandom".
8 years ago
Nerdorama: Have they made their ToS less paranoid and scary-sounding?
8 years ago
(Not repeating the full rant, I just did that earlier in the plurk.)
8 years ago
No idea actually, I just assume no one cares about an F2P GM with six players
8 years ago
I see that rant now and as a Star Wars d20 GM I laugh in the face of the idea of enforcing that
8 years ago
Everything I use is copyright Disney guys, don't know what to tell you
thirty sickos.
8 years ago
i looked through the tos, and it didn't look that bad to me, but ymmv
8 years ago
(Really, the point of it is probably because they have pay-to-unlock built-in tokens and want to make you use those)
8 years ago
(Same racket that D&D runs for physical miniatures except they don't have internet lawyers to force you not to just use dice or army men)
8 years ago
Heh, which version of Star Wars d20, out of curiosity?
8 years ago
8 years ago
Running Literally The Only Published Campaign for it
8 years ago
8 years ago
On the online tabletop topic, I'm left to wonder if MapTool is finally going to get less buggy anytime soon now that it's out of development hell and back to occasional releases.
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