well without the xmas break there really isn't much incentive to stay at this place because /insert pile of other hugely stressful problems
I still want to attempt to ask the manager if I can shoot in the auditorium though >>;;
so there's +finishing two... three commissions + secret project + tattoo shop photo stuff
and then I should consider looking for a different job OTL
(not that I expect to find one quickly at all... but before my railcard runs out would be preferable OTL )
I mean I hate cleaning and what was the point in studying to degree level if that's all I'm gonna do OTL
I could've just not even bothered with GCSEs if this is all I'm gonna be able to do for the rest of my life
idk I may be useless but there are plenty of INCREDIBLY USELESS people with actual well paying/ well respected jobs
/coughs at the last three managers we've had
idk thinking about this stuff only makes me feel a fraction of how bad I felt about it last year so I should at least research other ideas;;;;