AdamSherk asks
15 years ago
does anyone know someone who designs custom blog headers? It's just a quick and simple project. And hi there btw :-)
latest #18
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
it's just to dress up the header on a Thesis theme for Wordpress
15 years ago
napwarden does a good job and is fairly inexpensive. does a good job too
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
and hiya Miss_Loki
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
actually that Goofy Girl link sent me to what I believe is a porn site...
deinera says
15 years ago
Whoa! Haven't seen you around these parts in forever!!
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
I know, after I took my ball and went home over being burned out on the whole karma thing, I meant to come back more often but never did
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
i have to say though having been away so long, scanning the timeline once again is a lot of fun
deinera says
15 years ago
ha ha ha! I think you can actually hide your karma now... in the settings. ;-)
deinera says
15 years ago
I guess enough people made a stink about hating how the karma system worked, they made it an option.
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
nice. I'm looking for where to do that but haven'
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
t found it yet. I do see there's a "karma vacation" option now though which is kinda cool
deinera says
15 years ago
maybe I read it wrong...
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
I think maybe some of my functionality is disabled bc I basically have no karma any more
deinera says
15 years ago
no. After I said that I went looking. I think it was the "freezing karma" thing that I noticed. Which is similar, but not the "hide karma"
15 years ago
sung might be able to help
AdamSherk says
15 years ago
thanks syktek
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