7 years ago
[animal death]
latest #28
7 years ago
We had Caboose scheduled to be put down tomorrow but had to bump it up to today. He's really suffering
7 years ago
Whether we bring him in or not, he's going today
7 years ago
He woke us up with quiet little meows during the night, breathing heavy, laying on the floor and not moving
7 years ago
This morning he has blood around his mouth. The inside of his mouth is cold
7 years ago
I heated up a magic bag for him to lay next to and we have him on painkillers. We'll take him in at 3pm, I hope... he hangs in until then
7 years ago
I'm already fucked up, I don't want him to die in my bed
7 years ago
I wish there was something I could do to comfort him until then
7 years ago
Painkillers seemed to have helped a bit, he seems more relaxed now
7 years ago
Goes back to bed with my dying cat, happy friday
Kurrkat Vantas
7 years ago
I'm so, so sorry
7 years ago
He just died, that was so... fucked up...
7 years ago
Dropped him off in a little blanket-lined shoebox at the vet :-(
7 years ago
Like. Literally as soon as I left bed he got up and started breathing really heavy and I just sat with him bc I knew it was happening
7 years ago
I pet him until he kicked me away, then he went and crawled under the bed and just... stopped
7 years ago
I'm so glad I'm not at work or HalCon today like I was supposed to be
7 years ago
I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry. Please let me know if I can do anything for you.
7 years ago
oh god, i'm so sorry, : ( echoing that if there's anything you need, please let me know
7 years ago
Thanks guys, it was pretty upsetting but I think I'm ok
7 years ago
God that sucks, I'm so sorry :-( I'm glad you were there to comfort him right then though. I'm sure he felt so loved
The ♥ Lovers
7 years ago
Oh my gosh :c I'm so sorry, but it's good that you were able to be with him until the last second
Sopaper Nibfdvt
7 years ago
poor guy. he seemed like a very sweet kitty
Sopaper Nibfdvt
7 years ago
I'm so sorry.
The Ø Fool
7 years ago
I'm so sorry. Poor Caboose.
7 years ago
I'm so sorry hon...
7 years ago
i'm so sorry to hear ahhhh :-(
7 years ago
Oh... god, Kelly, I'm so sorry. :-( I'm glad you were able to be with him. Just take it easy the rest of today, okay...?
coffee prince
7 years ago
I'm sorry about caboose. If you need anything I'm here as well.
7 years ago
Thanks everyone. I had to take Lucca back to the vet for her shots amd everyone there was so kind
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