jen ❤
8 years ago
This is a plurk for sharing media that is low on election coverage, for those of us who need a break from it.
latest #12
this is my 'i don't need to hear this' go-to
a local radio station has already rolled out all Christmas music with limited dj interruption if that's your jam
8 years ago
Replurking for my Amurrcan friends who might like the options!
kitten cam with tons of links to more animal cams below it
8 years ago
This isn't as funny as it should be, but amazingly the comments are fun to read:
The Puppy Project: What Happens When You Leave Your ...
8 years ago
just read canadian news.
8 years ago
i saw classical music and babies well here's CLASSICAL MUSIC WITH CUTE PICTURES OF BABIES Sleep Music for Babies, Classical Sleep Music, Lulla...
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