[FFXV and FF in general] man sometimes the ages of characters drive me nuts
latest #29
because they're almost always teenagers or at least very close
but the models?
and the voices?
these do not look or sounds like teenagers 8|
...except for a couple
but then they end up looking/sounding like children
well "drive me nuts" isn't the right way to put it really now that I think about it
because honestly I find it hilarious
maybe confused is a better word for it XD
( lan wangji )
8 years ago
it's absolutely nonsensical
( lan wangji )
8 years ago
like it doesn't actually make any sense that Gladio is supposedly 23 and Iggy 22. Considering Brotherhood, in which they are adults when Noct is a child or a teenager
lmao I didn't even know that one
but jrpg games in general are such a huge offender of those
I remember in tales of vesparia (which I love) one of the characters is portrayed as a grizzled veteran that acts like a pervy old man
or close to it
that guy's age?
japan just what is it with you an ages?
( lan wangji )
8 years ago
i think Cid in ffxv is supposed to be like, 40 or 50 or something
( lan wangji )
8 years ago
when they made him lookso old
( lan wangji )
8 years ago
( lan wangji )
8 years ago
i can't find the article where i read it
dude cid what have you been doing 8|
I thought he was like 80 or something
I'm sorry game but that's not a 40 year old man
not by a long shot
8 years ago
lmao raven is only 30?? from the way everyone talked I thought he was like in his 40s
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