because they're almost always teenagers or at least very close
these do not look or sounds like teenagers 8|
but then they end up looking/sounding like children
well "drive me nuts" isn't the right way to put it really now that I think about it
because honestly I find it hilarious
maybe confused is a better word for it XD
it's absolutely nonsensical
like it doesn't actually make any sense that Gladio is supposedly 23 and Iggy 22. Considering Brotherhood, in which they are adults when Noct is a child or a teenager
lmao I didn't even know that one
but jrpg games in general are such a huge offender of those
I remember in tales of vesparia (which I love) one of the characters is portrayed as a grizzled veteran that acts like a pervy old man
japan just what is it with you an ages?
i think Cid in ffxv is supposed to be like, 40 or 50 or something
when they made him lookso old
i can't find the article where i read it
dude cid what have you been doing 8|
I thought he was like 80 or something
I'm sorry game but that's not a 40 year old man
lmao raven is only 30?? from the way everyone talked I thought he was like in his 40s