I swear to god I add less than half the amount of booze the recipe calls for and it still does me in
whoa, send me that recipe
zee, it's the fucking joy of cooking recipe
the joy of cooking does not fuck around
the joy of cooking is trying to turn me into a lush
'In quantity' if they still call it that
i'll report back eventually
can vouch, a 50/50 rum/bourbon mix is ideal for this one
If you put the covered bowl out in the coming storm it will serve as a perfect chill box
Since it sounds like we're all getting hit with that if we're touching the same ocean this friday
best chilled in The Great Outdoors
the giant refrigerator we all live in this time of year
you know i ordered pizza tonight and i had the thought
"i better put this pizza in the fridge so it doesn't get too cold out here"
(we don't heat the downstairs, at all, where the kitchen is)
Put a mustache and a plaid shirt on it for the true effect and drink it out of a growler while biking in the blizz
tl don't talk shit this isn't a hipster drink
Sounds like a fridge I could deal with.
keep the flannel ditch the growler
like maybe keep the moustache I dunno
This is not a hick drink, this is a 50's get fatter-n-chatter beverage
tl look me in the eyes and tell me "EGGNOG IN QUANTITY" is not like rural alberta chic
out of the fucking joy of cooking
that's the spirit
I feel like I could get a lot of use out of that image
update: i made it and it was super good
i went with like... 85% of recommended alcohol amount and i regret that, i did not even get tipsy :[ time to make it again with like double
holy crap, zee, are you made of iron?
here I thought my lightweight days were over, but that stuff always does me for!
omg but the recommended is just 2 cups
that isn't that much rum!!
Wow, our recipe recommends... I think up to 8
The web's watered theirs down, the bastards!
omg! okay i'm adding more fOR SURE
i can absolutely see why it hit you so good though, it masks the taste of alcohol really well
It's so sweet and good ;u;
i've had two sips and they didn't taste that alcoholic, but boy that burn is kicking in
my parents used to make it with 1/4 alcohol and... give it to us kids on the night when we were to decorate the tree...
little tiny me definitely got drunk a few times
also lol I'm sorry I didn't notice the online recipe toned down the booze?! for shame, past drunk me