I've got plans, I've got starters, I've got a new log to trawl and I've got at least one PSL that's been patiently waiting since before I hiatused
I still love the game and the trappings of it and the people in it
but every time I sit down to tag, I... for some reason just can't
I've never had it quite this bad before, nor for quite this long
i'm facing this problem right now, and i think i'm going to have to just buckle down to find the one thing first i want to do most
and if so how do you shake it off?
Honestly this is me anytime I'm away for long enough, and my personal experience is that pushing myself to dip my toes in the water, so to speak, is the only thing that's going to change it.
usually i do slough things off, find the one that i really am inspired by, build on from that
Fanart and music. I don't know that the first will help much here, sob, but I will set up a time where I don't have to do anything else and just listen to a character playlist until I force out enough tags to
get back into the groove.
More waffling only creates a cycle that feeds on and reinforces itself, so I just tend to pick a couple of things I know I'm particularly interested in to begin with and tell myself I'm doing this.
^ yeah as Ren is saying, basically that
Rather like getting into a swimming pool, once the initial adjustment has passed, it's much easier to get comfortable and take a swim.
Yeah... and usually I just... read over stuff, find what I have an immediate response to, and try to get the ball rolling from there. Doesn't work every time, but it helps.
I guess that's sort of it
I have things that I'm theoretically excited for but nothing on the burn right now that really fires me up
it's been... a rough couple of months RL so that definitely contributes to some difficulty in getting excited, but it's sort of absurd that it's got to this level where I'm staring at threads...
...that I've been planning for months and failing to get my stoke on
Wind, I love the idea of building a character playlist!
In those cases I either generate something of my own or pick the one out of those that I'm most interested in, even if I'm not super hyped. For instance if I know I enjoy playing with X, I'll go ahead and tag X
The more time passes, I think the harder it is to get that ball rolling. Once you do, though, the tough part is behind you.
Haha, it really does help me out. Anything to get me into the right mood for the right tag.
the playlist thing, definitely. also rewatching or rereading bits of canon or in the case of OCs, I go back and read older threads
as a sort of "canon review" so I can be like oh yes, i remember this
sometimes with the playlists, I write little snippets of fic to go with the songs to help me get into the writing groove again
it doesn't have to be quality. just a little scene or some dialogue or description that relates the song to the character
I used to do that for Evan with a psl I was doing with him last year
little character study vingettes
it's been a fucking age and a half since I've done any though
yeah it really helps when i'm in a rut