holy shitballs i love drama but man. this isn't even GOOD drama.
this is people not understanding how shapes work
i ain't mad i'm just disappointed
The RWBY animation models?
the evidence is far from compelling
the situation does not pass the smell test
like. at least with shane's letter i had something to work with. things to point to that we all agreed were real
these people are looking at two different triangles and saying "they're the same!!!"
Isn't this old shit? Like almost a year ago drama?
brought back in honor of the rwby game
Hell, didn't this have a wank phase back in '13v
man, you know me. i love drama. i will break out the popcorn and stay up all night
but this isn't good drama. this is just willful stupidity and petty jealousy.
Stupidity I mostly ignored the first two or three passes around.
Going to go back to trying to sleep.
sounds like a plan. i have a big bang to write.
york unlocks a door with a key. i'm sure someone will be along to tell me "no way york never opens locks in the field!"
this fic is honestly five thousand words of tex saying "york do the thing" but not how and then york does it and tex thinks "this is why i like him."
...and another five thousand of "omega gets shoved into a locker but he's a dick who deserves it"