7 years ago
Plurk, I need help
latest #34
7 years ago
or I suppose more accurately, opinions
7 years ago
have you ever had a strong gut feeling telling you not to do a thing?
7 years ago
And how often has it been right or wrong, from what you could tell?
7 years ago
we've applied for a place and have been offered it, but something in me is screaming not to take it, even though the place is fantastic on paper
7 years ago
and we have till tomorrow at 2 to decide
7 years ago
basically I'm trying to work out whether this is cold feet or whether to trust this gut feeling
a relative of mine actually had a gut feeling about a new house that she and he husband were looking at, decided to keep looking - i think later they discovered that there were plumbing issues and whatnot at that house
but honestly, gut feelings are tricky things
7 years ago
i p much always trust my instincts. I have yet to actually be wrong about them when it comes to people or places.
7 years ago
and yours, in my experience, are very good too. I'd trust the feeling
7 years ago
do you absolutely need or want to take this place? if it doesn't feel right, and you have the option, keep looking
7 years ago
sdfkh ugh. XD I was hoping one of you would tell me I was wrong
7 years ago
Shad, we don't absolutely need to take this place, but... I am worn the hell out on house hunting and continue to be unwell in our current place, so I badly want out
7 years ago
and Dray doesn't feel gross about the place, it's just me, so that complicates things
7 years ago
I really want to be wrong, I guess
7 years ago
And I mean, I am an anxious person, that's a thing.
7 years ago
Not often, and sometimes it's right, sometimes it's wrong
7 years ago
I had some minor anxiety over the place we're currently in, and bam, it turns out we're having to move out because of allergies
7 years ago
and I've definitely gotten what I can only refer to as bad feelings about a couple of other places we've looked at, but I've been able to pinpoint what caused them in both cases, and vetoed the place
7 years ago
this one I can't pin down any particular thing that's setting it off
7 years ago
and... the signals are so confused re: previous anxieties that I don't really trust my own assessment of my gut feelings: sometimes I've been really right, other times I've been way the hell off base
7 years ago
it's a gamble
7 years ago
Update, so we went and looked again, and because my dad is in town we brought him along
7 years ago
I feel less weird and gross about it now, so... probably was just anxiety
7 years ago
thank you guys for listening
7 years ago
hugs, I'm glad you're feeling less anxious about it now
7 years ago
thanks guys. <3
7 years ago
it was useful, and moreover actually doing something about the anxiety really helped
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