I'm glad to hear from Lando, it's a nice little teaser. Except for thinking about dressing Han and Leia's child in a cape and mustache :|
infant Ben wearing a cape and a fake mustache
I need to replurk this on my plurk so a Lando player can see it.
oh wait, your plurk is open.
I love to discuss with all the SW people
posters that come with it...
I wonder why they'd have 'another' Rae? Or is she from something already established?
I spy a Hamilton reference
also that was great thanks for pinging me
Wedge is all HEART EYES at that Norra poster
the first poster is Ciena Ree, yes?
ah, okay. I forget what she's supposed to look like
with_discipline you had so much extended family damn you, look even Lando gives a fuck, he put a reminder in there and everything.
I just want Ciena Ree to be in all the books
Though if he actually gave a gift. AND yes Lando, they were married like 5 minutes earlier so, can't blame you for being like THAT JUST HAPPENED.
Foot stomp go away he doesn't want family 8(
We were all rooting for you, lad
No you were rooting for Ben!! That kid was lame!!!
it's okay honey you never stopped being lame :3
Alan made you watch The Lion King yet okay
u can recover from murdering dads
lbr, his gay robot bf put in a reminder
this was less your uncle's fault, and 100% yours so what.
deadscorpy Ciena is in Lost Stars? I was wondering if I should read?
yes, she is! I liked that book a lot.
...aside from the end, which sorta leaves things unresolved and I've not heard anything about a sequel?
it's a romance and I'm sappy