Bonus complimenting husband
I know XD and she will forgive him it's fine.
just it also makes for a comical picture in my head XD
oh it's totally ridiculous
he's going to apologize to her profusely
I might even throw another tag in if I get time. XD
Why are all of Wedge's friends dying?
kylo has feelings about this
I mean right now she's like what the fuck are you doing Alan this guy is a monster YOU IDIOT
Your faves are so problematic rn
Just sit tight Leia, sheesh
You know she's going to have to follow this up Tarkin.
Ugh. Don't follow up, he hates that nonsense
Shut up. He doesn't want to talk about feelings with you or anyone. Especially you
But this also makes her mad because you're supposed to be like 100% monster
You didn't kill the princess. This is like when mr burns gave back the teddy bear.
Like 1% not the worst being ever. What does she do about this?
You thank your lucky stars and leave mr burns alone!
complimenting the husband
Never when you can hear it.
sorry had to grab dinner!
It's all cool. I'm waiting to get home so I can tag XD
Not sure she's gonna be super keen on taking your hand PAL.
He did the Kylo Ren angry storm-off.
You go be alive or whatever, Leia. LIKE HE CARES.
"This means he won't do it again. I'm sorry you had to suffer, though."
Leia calls bullshit, Alan. BUT WHATEVER.
omg tarkin did you have a feeling
a little one. He's going to ruin it for himself later but it was there for a brief second
Sure everyone love on him
(don't love on him, he's a terrible person)
(one good deed does not absolve him of all his bullshit. Especially when he turns right around to help out the living trash compactor that is Kylo Ren)
Don't worry Leia still hates you
I mean Dad saved Luke, died to protect him and all and he is still, also hated.
Tarkin seems like the kind of guy who could graduate and still be an asshole in one way or another
Oh that's absolutely going to happen
Alan's kind of an asshole and he's always been a warden ^_^;
nah, Alan made the right call
that's how Iris would look at it, anyway, but she once volunteered her death to a serial killer to help graduate him
if you want to have an IC conversation about it i'd be so very game
he would feel better if he'd put HIS life on the line
his issue is that he didn't, or couldn't, get Leia's vote on the matter
iris is a hard liner, her standpoint is "we volunteered for this, so we take it witout bitching or we leave"
then again Iris is a masochist so pinch of salt
and I meant Leia as well re; IC conversations
that's why, in the end, he did what he did but he still conisders Leia a youngster so he'll always have 'I should have thought up something better and saved her the pain' in the back of his head
In Leia's mind it was completely pointless not fun experiment so THANKS
and he'll let her treat him as such without complaint
like seriously, rail away, Leia
Not even Tarkin was having fun and he usually loves it when Leia is in pain
He would've done it if you'd not shown up, plus that's like one not murder against a couple billion murders.
Fun is a concept for lesser beings anyway
he didn't have any problem killing Han. TWICE.
I never did do a stuck on tag-in there. That might've been fun for a bunch of Hans to stick to Tarkin, who kills them, then has to drag them around with him.
shahfla: nope, no sorries needed, this is kind of his bag
there is a reason Jay Garrick usually handles the Alan-translating
Jason Garrick's life is facepalm
And then she spent the rest of the powers plot as a statue. XD
did she feel anything as a statue?
Nope. It's like the chillest she's ever been.
But yeah. This earns no brownie points Tarkin.
I read the novelization of RotJ for the first time recently and Han says he was awake the whole time in the carbon freeze... which hadn't ever occurred to me before.
he'll be glad something similar hadn't happened to Leia
'That carbon freeze was the closest thing to dead there is. And it wasn't just sleepin', it was a big, wide awake Nothin'.'
Honey no. :E that is actually horrifying
at least in-game he wasn't in it for six months
That would give you some lasting trauma right there :| like even five minutes
it was more apparent in the book than the film that the trauma of it was what changed his attitude to being less self-centered
willing to make a real commitment to the rebellion and Leia
This is why books are so enjoyable despite knowing the story backwards. XD
That's crazy though. Ugh. Poor Han!
...and then a year later he resigned his commission, totally disenchanted with the rebellion again
so it's interesting trying to reconcile the old canon book with the new one (Life Debt)
in the end it's more about commitment to friends than to any cause
Yes! Definitely very Han. And the kinda sense to know where and how he can best help friends.
I think every commissioned officer resigns at least once in Old!EU and Disneu
Hey can I check in with you cuz I can't remember what we decided about Luke and feeeeeling what's up with Leia? I know we said something about just not feeling her but how long has it been?
I've been saying Leia just basically blipped off the feels radar and didn't come back, like she'd maybe left for an update or something.
okay so... he's worried but not frantic I guess