But then ..if we succeed at the assessment day then we get a one on one interview for Friday. Seems a right kerfuffle just to answer phones and not be a dick to rude people. :|
That does seem like a fair amount of hoop-jumping
There was also a phone interview, geez.
But you know, paid work. Yay. XD
Even if it's not what I wanna do ..it's a thing that lets me get back out of the parents, and I just have to not lose sight of things I'd like to do.
There are lots of reasons to work. They don't all have to be equally valid at all times. c:
and somehow job magic makes it so much easier to find a job when you ..already have one -.-;
I've never had this much trouble even getting interviews.. srsly.
I've always applied for jobs when I've wanted to move on from my current one, got everything I've gone for. Now I'm unemployed and looking it's ..just been SO DIFFICULT
it's evil, this is the first interview since I started looking early December.
Yeah I started looking before I left the last job but...
why do they not want us? :C we're great.
The thing I'm trying not to obsess about, or get too dragged down by. The one job offer I had was just after I left the UK, literally less than a month. Paid junior, in the Art Department/Props on the Current Wars, which is that Benedict Cumberbatch film. I've been trying to find a way into props for around a year. LIFE.
But, eh. It'll happen again if I want it to :|
I'm still trying to figure out where my next passion lies :|
It's hard not to get discouraged, and it's hard even to decide really and figure out
I'm trying to be open but it's a balance between keeping options open and not acting
What are your thoughts so far on what you want?
I really like helping people and variety. Engagement. Connecting, people or things. But those are all very... nebulous.
I like those sort of things too.
I'm also a performer, so there's that. I mean that goes to teaching, too.
Were you thinking teaching?
Mmm, not public school, too much training. I've done a lot of informal ed and training lately
Fair enough, it kinda gets to the point where you just don't want to go back and do training and study for years. Everyone says 'why not do a props course' I did a fantastic little short course, but if you can get your foot in, you just learn on the job.
So what do you mean, like kind holding your own training session sort of thing?
Well when I worked at the science center, I was helping whoever came in understand stuff. And then I was training volunteers how to interact with visitors
So... yeah IDK but that's a thing I do.
Okay, so something in that sort of format? Ugh it really is so tough.
It's just in my line of country, is all.