[Iji] The normal Komato actually have a voice line for killing you and I had no idea.
latest #12
"The strong prevail, Anomaly - your race is history."
Ansaksie has voice lines too which are usually hidden by Iosa's constant fire
"Let's go, Anomaly" "Quit fooling around, Anomaly" "Not a chance, Iosa" etc.
Iosa's line for when you die: "Nothing but a mortal"
I love Asha's "FIIIIINALLY" when he kills you
"You're fighting death, human" is still Tor's best line
If you go through a pacifistic run with a few kills, Iji, sounding like she's in tears, shakily says "I'm sorry" and "No..."
Which switches to "DIE!!!" "Huh, you die!!" and "YAAAAH" when you're doing full kill mode
It's such a nice touch that the Komato scream "CIRETAKO!!" when you take over the Annihilator armor
Oh so I got it wrong, the one who has that "strong prevail" line is Elite Krotera, not a Komato
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