I've actually been tryin to talk to them about it bc they seem game but are still kinda confused about what we want but come to think both of y'all have public plurks so leeeets just-
so from what I'm seein the idea was Espurr contacts Touya (the Foggie), and gets Touya to let them into Dyster...
Well... vegeta wants 2 go to dyster and fuck shit up. Like the real deal
He barely has a plan he's just gonna show up and start smashing shit and yelling at the fog god to come fite him
which is probably gonna bring some Trouble capital T down on his head
Vegeta you realize a werewolf with fog boons just let you in and is probably going to Eat your Face now right
espurr at the side like ' :| '
what the fuck is a werewolf. fuck werewolves. id fight a werewolf
UR GONNA GET YER WISH SON no seriously Drag was definitely open to a Fight
which is Not Good given Vegeta's a struck down to mortal newb here
espurr pls dont let him die. or do tbh im counting the days until vegeta gets himself killed. if he doesnt find someone to reign him in he's gonna get fucked
I can't believe his mediator is a 12 year old girl
maybe if he loses enough memories he'll stop trying to fight the fog god.
honestly tho. he probably wouldnt listen to espurr but maybe she can manipulate him into being less of a fucking stupid asshole
inb4 the Fog God just shows up ala
She's pretty manipulative and I mean she's succeeded at an embarassingly high number of trick plays already tbh
'and then we force him to open the door-' 'or maybe not because we don't know if that's possible
' 'damn'
Okay but like. vegeta will absolutely be content with just killing a foggie
which he wont, because he's a punk bitch
iswear to shit what does espurr have to do for some sanity
inb4 the answer is '-gently talks to fog god while fighting occurs in the backgroudn-'
'I do apologize for my companion, he's quite voltile :| Your devotee seems to be handling it though.'
DragonScope hi so Vegeta wants 2 fite the fog god and he needs ur fog pass to try
he has like. maybe a quarter of a plan. he wants to get into Dyster and then just wreck shit basically
If that's made glaringly obvious then Vegeta's not getting past him.
.... Also he won't throw the first punch.
dont worry about that because a punch is gonna be thrown
vegeta's not dumb enough to make it glaringly obvious
but he /is/ dumb enough to immediately make his intentions clear once they dont need him anymore/are in dyster
A single step in the door and already he's being pulled out, welp
hello yes I wanna hear about this
also I'd love for Robbie to have his ass kicked by his hero
oh hey so yeah vegeta is pissed about the fog god pulling him into monster town so he's gonna try to go to dyster and burn everything down bc he's a fucking hatemachine
he also wants to 1v1 the fog god so im looking forward to him finding out thats impossible
yeah sure he'll fight the shit out of robbie. i cant believe vegeta is robbie's hero. why. how
actually ig end game vegeta is oka
he as a tarantula here named Vegeta
Oh right I should technically give fair warning that harming a hair on Touya's sweet head brings the wrath of... quite a few people.
"I never thought my favorite anime would fight ME"
Luckily for Vegeta a ninja spider can't get into Dyster.
oh yeah dont worry i am expecting vegeta to die
like im not planning for it and i dont know if itll happen in dyster or wherever but
i am absolutely expecting vegeta to get himself killed before May
tbh itll make him easier to deal with possibly
ok so
so far what I'm seeing is 'Usagi makes a log before first changes, that consists of Vegeta and Espurr and Touya making it three steps into Dyster, and then Espurr sort of
ing as Vegeta runs to start a Fite and ends up getting the shit kicked out of him by a giant weasel'
Bonus points that it's day time for fucking finally he does the emotive change.
Probably close to passing out for sleep right after, depends on how Vegeta reacts to how... soft he is.
No idea what any of that means but assume Badly
Well Touya's a pokemon Protag so Drag's saying their an emotional squishball
HOWEVER Touya also can take his night form in the day by way of being SUPER ANGRY, not to mention things like the general monster-human strength gap
oh okay well i hope theyre willing to kill or grievously injure
anyawy if this plan looks good, I'm gonna add that Espurr will be tr y i n g to actually speak to the Fog God in the background
How about literally toss him out through the door?
vegeta will probably just lightly mock him unless touya says something that particularly pisses him off
partially because she's afraid they'll be suffering otherwise :|
that'd work if he couldn't get back in. does that mean espurr will still be in dyster ahahah
and Mmmmm that's the tricky thing huh, how do you guys get a thread that lasts longer than a few tags if all Touya needs to do is
Well Vegeta's a trained fighter?
There's probably some sort of way to wrestle with someone 4-5 times stronger than you.
(Do not go after Squirt squirt has no revival chance)
(Yeah that's actually fuel to really piss Touya off, piss him off plz.)
OKAY so if you both want I can make that log....nnnow
vegeta is very good at fighting people bigger than him. he hasnt had a chance to show off bc he's in a shitty human body and he was super off-balance so that johnny could kick his ass but he should be a prick to deal with now that he's had a chance to find his sea legs
does this mean i make log
DragonScope is okay and ready and ur in the mood to do so
ok I will see about getting log out tonight no guarantees tho might come in the mornin