And look, look.... the forehead one came first
Does that dragon have a saddle? I told you Gladio was a genderswapped Fang.
The boss fight song is a redone Battle on the Big Bridge apparently, too.
Hahahaha I knew what the final boss would be
Of COURSE it's battle on the Big Bridge lol, it's a Gilgamesh-themed DLC
Yeah, which is a good thing. Least it wasn't the silly operatic YOU HAVE TAKEN ON A MONSTER HARDER THAN YOU THOUGHT music XD
Still, I'm pretty pleased about the final boss? I mean, it's as predictable as the rest of FFXV but I'm not disappointed.
I haven't seen that one yet, but I'm guessing it's Cor
It's at the very end of the trailer.
I haven't seen the trailer, give
The Final Trial: Defeat Cor
So, you know when Gladio is all "You should have seen the other guy" when he gets back to you and everyone's all WOOOWWW at his scars?
Is he, in fact, referring to Cor's grumpy fucking face?
Maybe Cor has loads of scars from the neck down
I mean, I'd martyr myself and have a look
I still say Cor's punishment was never being allowed to take that shirt off again.
Dude. Need that now. Please.
I hope it's not something I can play through in a couple of hours
Nows the time for a dump post of FFXV boys right? Gladio so pretty
Now is as good a time as any!
UGH MY phone isn't letting me share on mobile data - will share when I have WiFi!
I don't remember if I've posted some of these before, they're from my phone
excuse me while I sort out my computer files XD
I thiiiink that's all of them XD
Ngl those smutty ones are so tasty
(and look at poor Cor all chained up! XD )
Also just found this one
The one of Gladio lifting Prompto up with his gunshow gives me lofe
;n; I love them all forever
and secondary cast members
Not so much like, Wiz and Dave and Dino, but y'know.
I love the bros, and Iris, and Aranea, and Cor
They would be the secondary characters I meant =D