7 years ago
Is it socially acceptable to tweet at authors asking them to confirm minor characters as queer?
latest #17
7 years ago
Because I am sick and tired of hearing about Eva and her BEST FRIEND Violet in passing when they're clearly dating
7 years ago
I think it mostly depends on the author?
7 years ago
do they interact with fans re: canon details via twitter already? I say yes
If not, probably not.
7 years ago
and not trying to be rude, but how obvious is 'very clearly'? Because I've had friends say 'oh I knew Dumbledore was gay all along' and I personally had no idea.
7 years ago
Mostly I'm being passive aggressive but /I/ see them coded as wlw. I'm hoping that even seeing a tweet that's like "hey make more gays please" will get the author to think about it
7 years ago
She's had cameo characters be queer before, but Eva is Main Character's Boyfriend's Sister which is just big enough a character for me to get attached--and for her to be mentioned with her BEST FRIEND Violet in every book
7 years ago
In the next book in the series I just want one throwaway line like, "Owen and I were due for a double date with Eva and her girlfriend, Violet. They'd just come out to me last week, so it was our first official double date. I refused to let rival assassins, Ice elementals, or angry vampires get in the way of a nice dinner."
7 years ago
All I want
7 years ago
It's an urban fantasy series
Sing Anyway
7 years ago
What's the series?
7 years ago
ah, that's fair
7 years ago
The Elemental Assassin series by Jennifer Estep. A fun ride, but there is heavy, heavy ableism in the first book, so I'd suggest skipping to book 3 if you pick it up
7 years ago
Her other series, Bigtime, is paranormal superhero romance, aka the best thing
7 years ago
She also has a couple of YA series that I haven't looked at yet
7 years ago
It's only now, in book FIFTEEN of this series, that I realize headcanoning the Main Character as fat would be 200% reasonable
7 years ago
Just because there's a skinny model on the cover doesn't mean that an assassin by night who runs a barbecue chain by day (and who eats nothing but carbs) couldn't be fat
7 years ago
"Glad you're enjoying the series. However, Eva and Violet are not dating" BOOOOO I want cute lesbians
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